Ah, this old place doesn't seem the same since everyone is back at Hogwarts. It is peaceful knowing though that Fred and George aren't going to be running in and trying a new product on any of my food. They never did, that I know of anyways, but I do remember seeing some of their tricks they use to (and still!) pull
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Comments 29
Very true, Remus. That is why I am calling a meeting, and I want you and Severus to go out on this next Hogesmeade trip. We need to be taking precautions.
When will it be? I have a very busy schedule you know.
I would imagine so. We are going this Saturday. Try to be there about ten in the afternoon.
I shall be there. I wonder how Severus will like this idea.
Perhaps you could take some extra lessons of your own and start brewing it yourself? I continue to FAIL to see why the bloody hell it is my responsibility to make sure you don't tear yourself apart every month. Do it your god-damned self
I believe the answer to that question is because there isn't anyone who would be willing to teach me how to make it.
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