Thankyou to everyone for reading!
Thankyou to Lenny an excellent BETA!
And Thankyou to
elektropixie my new excellent BETA!
'Vince, I should've told you earlier, I know, but-'
'A lot of people should've told me things earlier, or even just told me.'
'I didn't know about your wedding, I didn't know about my sister, I didn't know about our niece. Anything else I don't know about?'
'Erm, not really. No.'
'Cookie!' Howard panted, rushing in. 'Cookie, I found a nurse.'
'Yeah, Howard, we're in a hospital, you'll see a lot of them here.' Vince said.
'Ha-Ha Very Funny-'
'-My Name Is Bugs-Bunny' Vince finished with him.
Just then a nurse came in pushing a trolley.
'Oh a nurse!' Vince said.
'A nurse with a guest it appears.' Cindy said.
Cookie looked up from what she was writing and looked over at the nurse open mouthed. 'Is...wha...I mean...oh my...' She didn't know what to say.
'Hello Ms. Moon?'
'Yes?' She said nodding beginning to cry.
'I'd like you to meet your son.' She said picking him up carefully and handing him over to her.
'He...He's beautiful.' She said looking down into his big green eyes.
'Holy Crap!' Vince yelled suddenly.
'What?' Howard asked.
'Howard, we're fucking grandparents!' He said, with a worried look on his face, as he ran over to the mirror.
'Vince, just because we're grandparents, doesnt mean that we're old and wrinkly.'
'Maybe I'm not, but look at you!' He said speaking before thinking.
Howard stared at him, his tiny eyes filling with tears.
'I mean...uh...shit Howard, y'know I didn't mean it that way! I'm sorry.' Vince said walking back over.
'Here we go again.' Cookie mumbled.
'What d'ya mean 'Again'?' Cindy asked.
'Everytime they meet, they always get into an argument over some tiny little thing!'
'Oh come off it! That's not true.' Vince said.
'Vince, maybe not 10 minutes ago, but apart from that it is.'
'Yeah, I suppose so. I'm gonna try and sort this out, come on Howard.' He said pulling Howard up and taking him out the door. 'She's right Howard, we do argue everytime we meet.'
'Vince, maybe-'
'Don't start another!' Vince said.
'Oh, sorry, so what do we do?'
'Erm, we could....uh...I think I know, but it's bound to start an argument.'
'Me...You.' He said moving his fingers across Howard's shoulder, making shivers run down his spine.
'Vince, only in private. I mean I'm a married man now. I'm sorry.'
'Pathetic!' He said walking down the hall.
'Dad! Come in here!' Cookie called.
'Just me.' Howard said walking in.
'Not a-fucking-gain!'
'Look, what is it?'
'Well, I need Vince, go get him.' She said.
'What makes you so spe- oh right, fine!' He said walking back out and down the hall, stopping at a corner as he head people talking.
'Look, Sue, I'm really sorry! Please don't cry!'
'Vince, we were meant to be getting married! All of a sudden you come here, see him, and it's all off?! He's married! You cant have him!'
'Sue, it's not that, it's just, well, Chris.'
'How the hell did you find out?'
'Sue, you phoned me one night at 3.45 in the morning, I asked you where you were, you said at Chris' so I said 'ooh who's that', then you said no-one started giggling. And then he said 'Babes hurry up, I'm getting cold. Come warm me up.'
'Fuck. Well, either way, can't we stay together?'
'Fucking fine, I have Howard, you have Chris, but we still have each other?'
'Yes, thankyou.' She said.
'Erm, Vince?' Howard said walking up to them.
'What?' He asked turning around.
'Cookie wants you.'
'Well tell her I'm busy!'
'Vince, she wants you now!'
'Oh for fucks sake!' He said getting up and walking into her room. 'What?!' He asked stroppily.
'Well, if you don't want to help pick the name, I suppose that's fine, but y'know, I thought it'd be a bit of fun.' She said looking down at her son once again.
'Well, I have a few written down.' Howard said pulling out a pad.
'Oh god, that's all he's been going on about.' Cindy said.
'Ok, I have four. Number 1. William; Number 2. Patrick; Number 3. Fredrick; and finally, number 4. Quoyle.'
'No son of mine is ever going to have any of those names!'
'Mick?' Vince said. 'Or...uh...definately a boy, yeah?'
'Vince, I'm not naming my son after your idiotic idols! Not after Bowie, Gary, Mick, or anyone!'
'What about...Charlie?' Cindy offered.
'Hmm, maybe, I mean the name just makes me think of the Charlie series.' Cookie admitted.
'Well, if you're just gonna say no to all of ours, then you come up with one!' Howard said.
'Fine! Look, I dont know alright! That's why I wanted you to help me.'
'Ok, common?'
'Not too common.'
'Ok, what about...I actually really like Mick.' Cindy admitted.
'Thank you!' Vince said.
'Look, why don't we all make a vote.'
'Ok, I vote Mick.' Vince said stroppily.
'I agree, Mick suits him!' Cindy said.
'I'm not voting.' Cookie said.
'What I have to vote too?! Even if I do his name is Mick.' Howard said.
'WOOHOO!' Vince said putting his hands in the air.
'Vince, you're no help what so ever.' Cookie said. '...Actually...maybe you are.' She said grinning.
'What?... Why?'
'Can you get out for a minute please?' She asked. 'Cindy, come here.' She said leaning her head over towards her. 'What do you think about Mick Vince Kendricks-Noir?' she whispered.
'Ok, no offence, but that's just weird.' She admitted.
'Fuck. I can't think! Help.'
'Look, ask Kirk what he thinks.'
'Kirk.' She whispered, shaking him to wakeup.
'Mm,whah?' he mumbled from semi-consciousness.
'Have you been asleep all this time?'
'Yeah, what d'ya want?'
'Ok, I was thinking about the name. What do you think about Mick Vince Kendricks-Noir?'
'Yeah, fine, whatever.' He said going back to sleep.
'Well that was a lot of help.'
'He's a berk, no offence.'
'Too late.' She said. 'Oh baby, what're we gonna do? You need a name.' She said looking down and stroking his soft face. 'What do you like?' She asked.
'Ask him.' Cindy said shrugging her shoulders.
'Ask the baby what he thinks of Mick Vince.'
'What good will that do?'
'Just ask him!'
'Fine. Baby? What do you think of Mick Vince?' She asked looking into his green eyes.
His replied simply by smiling and laughing. 'You like it? Do you like it?' She asked tickling him.
'Aww.' Cindy said starting to cry lightly. 'Happy families.'