About You
Name: Savannah
Since we respect the lj code, are you over 13?: 17
We are curious, how did you find this community?: twitter
Describe yourself including both your strengths and weaknesses::
S: funny, wacky/silly, understanding, accepting, honest, independent
W: mean, uncaring, majorly sarcastic, blunt, pessimistic
This or That
Confident or Insecure: confident
Extroverted or Introverted: extroverted
Quiet or Loud: loud
Impulsive or Cautious: cautious
Hard-Working or Lazy: lazy
Determined or Accepting: accepting
Making Your Own Destiny or Accepting Fate: making your own destiny
Pacifist or Temperamental: temperamental
Forgiving or Vengeful: forgiving
Your Movie
What is your favorite movie genre?: uhhm, i'll pretty much anything as long as its not gory. but lately, ive been watching alot of comedys
What does your movie consist of? Is it a tragedy, a love story, or a tale of friendship? Be as creative as possible: comedy/adventure. i dont that tragic stuff
Describe the location of your film: anywhere but here
What would the soundtrack to your movie consist of? Please refrain from using songs that are in the stamping options:
idk. think of something exciting
Anything else you would like to add?: nope
Finally, please link three applications that you voted on: going to vote on all the ones that need votes