Villain Application
Name: Katie
Previously stamped as: The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Since we respect the LJ-Code, are you over 13: Yep.
Why don't you name some postive traits: Affectionate, artistic, confident, bold, vivacious, thoughtful, perceptive, kind, clever, free-spirited, compassionate, forgiving, optimistic, and impulsive.
Now how about some negative traits: Indecisive, impatient, sarcastic, competitive, too trusting, disputatious, observant, headstrong, stubborn, worrisome, and a perfectionist at times.
This or That
Would you prefer to do evil alone or hire Henchmen: Do it myself.
Do you want things done on a whim or thought out: Out of whim.
Are you the center of attention or under cover: Lol, it depends on my mood. I like being the center of attention at times, but there are also times where I would rather sit back. I like standing out, but not always being the center of attention.
Extroverted or Introverted: I'm nearly 50/50 on this, but I lean more on the introverted side with a lot of extroverted moments.
On a scale of one to ten, one being a perfect angel and ten being the devil, how villianous are you? 4
Put in x beside all the words that apply to you or appeal to you.
[ ] Destruction.
[x] Money.
[x] Power.
[x] Materialistic.
[ ] Manipulation.
[x] Cunning.
[ ] Sadistic.
[x] Superiority.
Anything Else? Thank you for voting! ♥
Because some villains are worse than others, name one villian you know you aren't: There are three, but Frollo is number one. D:
Now link three applications you voted on: I voted on all that need votes.