Villain Application
Name: Savannah
Previously stamped as:
[main] the little mermaid
Since we respect the LJ-Code, are you over 13: 17
Why don't you name some postive traits: funny, wacky/silly, understanding, accepting, honest, independent
Now how about some negative traits: mean, majorly sarcastic, uncaring, pessimistic, blunt
This or That
Would you prefer to do evil alone or hire Henchmen: pshh, please. i work alone. sure, i have some henchmen there for my personal enjoyment but they dont play with the big guns hahahah
Do you want things done on a whim or thought out: i think things out. not trying to make any mistakes. im too perfect for that
Are you the center of attention or under cover: i ~hate~ being the center of attention. i fly under the radar and it seems to work for me
Extroverted or Introverted: extroverted! everyone loves a comedian hahaha
On a scale of one to ten, one being a perfect angel and ten being the devil, how villianous are you? well, if being a royal bitch who doesnt give a shit about the things she says to people she doesnt like, i guess im REALLLY villainous
Put in x beside all the words that apply to you or appeal to you.
[X] Destruction.
[ ] Money.
[/] Power.
[ ] Materialistic.
[X] Manipulation.
[X] Cunning.
[X] Sadistic.
[ ] Superiority.
Anything Else?
Because some villains are worse than others, name one villian you know you aren't: well, their all bitches so what can i say?
Now link three applications you voted on: im gonna vote on them all \O/