About You
Name: Jacintha
Since we respect the lj code, are you over 13?: Yeah
We are curious, how did you find this community?: Through friends
Describe yourself including both your strengths and weaknesses:: I am a believer, lover and fighter - I love things, that's why I believe in them and fight for them. I think that even the worst things have something to love in them and that every cloud has a silver lining. I'm optimistic by nature, so I have very low tolerance for people who are highly pessimistic. To me, life is one big mystery, one big chaos, one big story, and most importantly, one big miracle. I have a serious case of wanderlust. I like to think myself as an enigma but truth to be told, I'm relatively easy to figure out. If you were to ask me to describe myself in a few words - I would be free-spirited, romantic, stubborn, sensitive and tenacious. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I hate having to depend on people even though, much as I hate to admit it, I'm not too independent.
This or That
Confident or Insecure: Confident with insecure moments
Extroverted or Introverted: Extroverted
Quiet or Loud: A mix
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious
Hard-Working or Lazy: Hardworking
Determined or Accepting: Determined
Making Your Own Destiny or Accepting Fate: Making my own destiny
Pacifist or Temperamental: Temperamental
Forgiving or Vengeful: Forgiving sometimes
Your Movie
What is your favorite movie genre?: Romance with some action
What does your movie consist of? Is it a tragedy, a love story, or a tale of friendship? Be as creative as possible: A love story would be perfect but I would really like if the characters underwent self-discovery, I would also like it if there were quite some action and butt-kicking in the story but not too much. The lovers being star-crossed would be a plus, but that's not necessary, I wouldn't mind if they were forced to be with each other under circumstances and learn to accept and love each other. Maybe some tragedy, like the death of an antagonist and a twist of the story would be good too, but in the end, everything would end happily :)
Describe the location of your film: Anywhere but I don't think I'd like locations like the jungle and the desert.
What would the soundtrack to your movie consist of? Please refrain from using songs that are in the stamping options: Ballads, instrumental pieces that are suitable for different scenes, I guess.
Anything else you would like to add?: Nope, thanks for voting and I screened the comments.
Finally, please link three applications that you voted on:
I voted on all that needed votes!