RareWomen Dear Author Letter

Jan 26, 2012 13:29

Psst, signups for rarewomen are live until February 8 if you want in on this.

Dear Author,

Yay, thank you for writing me a story! First of all, I'm easygoing, so write me anything. Really. Two of my three requested fandoms are X-Men, and that's the fandom in which I generally write, but if you want to write Carmen Sandiego fic, that would be totally awesome. Also, I'm just going to put it out there, that even though we could only pick three to sign up with, there were some small fandoms that I was delighted to see listed and really angsted over which to choose. So if you feel like writing some Community, Parks and Recreation (I love Leslie!), Disney Princess (my favorites are Belle and Pocahontas, but anything is cool--I've never read Disney Princess fanfiction and I'm kind of intrigued with the idea), or Series of Unfortunate Events fic--I'd be all over that, too. (I don't know if this is kosher. If not, just ignore.)

In stories, I generally like: witty banter, slice-of-life fic, dealing with the way ~real life issues~ play out in fandom universes. This also includes the way reality television would play out in fandom universes. Like, write me any character watching Jersey Shore (or some equally quality program) and I will love it. I like it when characters play with cats, or are irritated by cats. I like hurt/comfort, but not too much hurt. More like if one character is sick and another makes her soup, not like if one character is left bleeding in a ditch and another character brings her to a hospital. I like crossovers.

I dislike... most AUs (of the sort where instead of being superheroes they're all baseball players or whatever. I often like AUs of the sort where one key event in the movie goes differently and we see how things would have played out that way). I dislike nonconsensual sex. I guess that's about it!

I hope you have fun writing for me! I am sure I will have fun reading whatever you write :D



PS here are my original requests, which presumably you have already seen:

Large Fandom: X-Men First Class
Women: Raven Darkholme (Mystique), Emma Frost, Moira MacTaggert
Optional Details: I requested this in the X-men ficathon also and I think maybe it's too cracky for anyone to write it, but: I love the idea of a modern AU where Raven appears on America's Next Top Model. Like, maybe there's some kind of ~mutant equality~ reason she's doing it, or maybe she's being blackmailed, or maybe she just wants to BE ON TOP. But, if this idea does not appeal to you, I completely understand. Anything's fine. I like Raven finding her confidence. I like Moira being a badass CIA agent. I like Emma being fabulous. I don't particularly slash any of the XMFC ladies with each other but I don't object, either.

Fandom 2 (large or small): Marvel Comics - X-Men
Women: Jubilee, Shadowcat, Ororo Munroe
Optional Details: I'm a big fan of Jubilee and would especially love any fic of her doing like, whatever. Pestering the adults at the mansion to take her to the mall, trying to get out of homework, having adventures, whatever. But if you're not a Jubilee fan, that's cool too, all the X-ladies are awesome.

Fandom 3 (large or small, totally optional): Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?
Women: Carmen Sandiego, Ivy
Optional Details: I... I didn't know there was Carmen Sandiego fanfiction. But I adore the show (and the games) and um, I'd love to read basically whatever you come up with.

rarewomen, dear author

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