I've missed seeing you on the group! you must have been busy using your "talent" on making these.They're great dude!Mmm *scratches head* which ones are my faves (hard choice).I think 7: 8: and 9 do it for me.Then again lets say I'm greedy and put me down for all of them.
I'm really excited we've waited for an age and then we get this BEN DELUGE.I'm not complaining!!sqeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!*dancing* and *dancing some more* thanks for these ren *hugs*
Thanks very much for the compliment, hun :) I wish I'd been busy with watching Ben, even in the computer, but real life is pretty demanding these days :( *hugs*
I don't want too cause bother(not in my nature) I didn't want to comment on the main board.I think you and ren are both good listeners and would like your opinion.I've just had some health news of the worst possible kind and I'm in denial.I will just have to cope with it.Never mind that
( ... )
First, I'm sorry to hear that you have had some bad news.
I'm not sure how much help I can be to you as I am unaware of the orignal conflict, and I do not know who it is who has ignored you. I know that in the past, I have become involved in some fairly nasty cat fights on the ben support community, so much so that I have eliminated *those people* AND their friends, from my flist, and I always friends-lock any personal posts I make.
In addition, I recently made a comment on the_oc community and did not care for the tone of the responses there (LJ-ers who I don't know) so I went back and deleted all my comments in that thread. I refuse to allow something that is supposed to be fun (LJ) and stress-relieving (commenting about Ben) to turn into something that causes me anxiety. So on my own LJ, I will only accept people who have my back, so to speak.
My conflict without going into too many words(NO WORDS SPOKEN AT ALL)is with what seemed to be a very nice lady.With whom I would like to make a friend.Maybe I get a little bit "touchy" through my illness but I don't like being ignored.It's gone on too long and I realise now that life's too short.I still try to stay happy! I love this group and have made quite a few nice friends(of which you are one).Thankyou for caring!!
KK:shutting up.I'm whingeing now and that's not me.Gods been good to me.I hope he is as good to Ben!!!!!!! Oh and last but not least I've officially got your back. I hate "cat fights"they keep you awake at night.Usually when the pubs(bars) close at night!!! LOL. *hugs*
I just Lurrrve you happy icon Hannah.He's soooo cute and a real happy little chappy! "ADORABLE" there should be a law against him!! Just look at the mischief in those eyes.I also think it's great that platysseus is writing a trilogy and trying to get it made into films.She promised me she'd give Ben the *starring sexy role" She also got a role for Jensen ??(can't think of his second name. I went off on a rant.I'm sorry! Anyway I like your icon is all.Hugs* Waves*
Thanks! He is one happy dude;). "I also think it's great that platysseus is writing a trilogy and trying to get it made into films". She is? Wow that sounds great and hopefully she will make it:)! *hugs*
Hey, Mari! Are you Brazilian? I love heroes, specially Zachary Quinto. I never watched Veronica Mars (should have, I know), but I always liked what I saw of Kristen, she seems really nice. I'll add you :)
Comments 28
I'm really excited we've waited for an age and then we get this BEN DELUGE.I'm not complaining!!sqeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!*dancing* and *dancing some more* thanks for these ren *hugs*
I'm not sure how much help I can be to you as I am unaware of the orignal conflict, and I do not know who it is who has ignored you. I know that in the past, I have become involved in some fairly nasty cat fights on the ben support community, so much so that I have eliminated *those people* AND their friends, from my flist, and I always friends-lock any personal posts I make.
In addition, I recently made a comment on the_oc community and did not care for the tone of the responses there (LJ-ers who I don't know) so I went back and deleted all my comments in that thread. I refuse to allow something that is supposed to be fun (LJ) and stress-relieving (commenting about Ben) to turn into something that causes me anxiety. So on my own LJ, I will only accept people who have my back, so to speak.
KK:shutting up.I'm whingeing now and that's not me.Gods been good to me.I hope he is as good to Ben!!!!!!!
Oh and last but not least I've officially got your back. I hate "cat fights"they keep you awake at night.Usually when the pubs(bars) close at night!!! LOL. *hugs*
"I also think it's great that platysseus is writing a trilogy and trying to get it made into films". She is? Wow that sounds great and hopefully she will make it:)!
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