So my mom called me today, when I got home from school and she told me that she had to pick my little sister up from kinder garden because a kid had pushed her into a fence and my little sisters nose is broken and her whole face is swollen. The kid that did it, did it on purpose, it's not the first time he have pushed/kicked/hit my little sister (My sister just turned 4 last Friday and he is 5).
My little sister is one of the most beautiful kids I have ever seen (be warned big sister bragging ahead!), she is so cute and smart (she can count and add simple numbers together and spell words and read the letters and short words). Anyway she have an angels face (seriously when we travel people tell us how cute she is) and her hair is red, and not the ugly red hair it's actually one of the prettiest hair colors I have seen.
Anyway the damn kid broke her nose and they have to operate on her to fix it (it’s the bone on the side of the nose not the one of top, if that make sense), she have a black eye, more or less her entire face is swollen. On top of that she is in loads of pain and because she is so young they have to wait 'till Thursday to take the x-rays (if they don’t they won't get a good enough picture or something like that) and she'll get operated on Friday at the earliest.
And if that was all I wouldn’t be this angry, but you see her birthday was on Friday: in her kinder garden they put up the Norwegian flag (are we alone on that?), hang balloons and put the kids name on a big note on the front door of the kinder garden, and the damn personnel didn't do that. They could not even say they forgot it because it where written on the week schedule thingy. But the leader in Ylva's (my sisters name, Ylva its actually an old Swedish name, meaning wolf her middle name is Agnethe after my grandma, random information is fun isn’t it?) kinder garden don't like Ylva (new leader and since then it have gone downhill).
The last few months quite a few things have happened in my little sisters kinder garden that have made my mom want to move my sister to a new kinder garden, but the problem is that in the last half year or so 3 or 4 kinder gardens have burnt down in my mom and sisters city.
I feel so sorry for my little sister, and I hope she will get better soon. I know bones always heal, but she might get scared emotionally, she might get scared of falling, or scared of other kids or scared of heights or playing in the snow (it was the first day with real snow, in their city, I on the other hand have had snow for quite some time).
I love my sister, she is the only family member I have that I would do absolutely anything for, she is my little sister and she is perfect. And she have never been scared of anything, she climbs and play and jump in the water and she have never been scared and she might get scared now. She might end up like me, scared of heights, scared of getting physically hurt. I don’t want that.
I guess I just had to write that down, I spent half an hour on the phone with my mom after my sister had fallen asleep, calming my mom down, make her see some sense in this. Make her understand that she cannot let this continue, my sister cannot be in a kinder garden where they don’t take good enough care of her.
They didn’t even take my sister to the emergency room, they just called my mom (which thankfully live a 10 minute walk from the kinder garden) and said my sister had fallen and that she had to come.
My sister was bleeding and she has a small body like every other 4 year old, she can't loose much blood before it get dangerous. What if my mom had been further away? What if she was in the capital (a almost 2-hour train ride away)?
My sister could have lost so much blood that it was dangerous she could have ended up in the hospital for weeks maybe even died (okay I know I am over reacting, but she is my sister, we share the same blood.) and they would have just sat there waiting for my mom? Called the ambulance in the end, they should just have taken her to the emergency room; it is a frigging 10 min walk away (my mom lives right next to the hospital) and told my mom to get there?
But they didn’t, how can people who are supposed to take care of small children not take good enough care of them when they get hurt? They let my sister get hurt she is one of two people in this world I would die for and they just stood there letting her be in pain, making her birthday not be as special as for the other kids (my mom said that when my sister saw the kinder garden she started crying because the flag wasn’t up, and when they got in, Ylva just stood there looking down at the floor, she was nervous and felt bad because the other kids didn’t come running congratulating her like she do when the other kids have their birthday, because the personnel didn’t mark my sisters birthday, if this continue my sister will go from being this wonderful outgoing nice girl to being a scared and emotionally hurt girl, and to be honest we just need one of those in this family and that is me).
I guess that’s it I have no more to say, I'm sorry for making you read trough all of this, but my sister means the world for me.