Like Totally

Jul 02, 2005 18:57

Can't believe searching for a home is SO difficult! Oh, wow...I mean yaddy yadda..."It's the place you live"...but we've seen so so so many great ones. Keepers! But my mom doesn't want to live in Fairmont East/West/Central. Meh...the right one will come.

[spell your name backwards] adnar
[age] 17
[where do you live] A beautiful home off the coast of Costa Rica

[four words that sum you up] funfunfunfun!
[jewelry] currently? ...
[pillow cover] blue flowers...i love it
[coffee cup] any that talk about being "over the hill"
[shoes] i really like vans...
[piercings] ears...soon to be one in the NOSE
[clothes you're wearing now]- bermuda shorts, blood drive shirt

[wishing] all hair on my body would go away (yes...even my head)
[after this] pick up huong
[talking to] my mother
[eating] just ate baked potatoe and CANTALOPE

[fetishes] boobs, mouth, hair
[some of your fav. movies] Emporer's New Groove, and some others...
[something you're looking forward to in the upcoming months] Oh, dear...nothing really...getting my gas gauge fixed...Huong's birthday...
[last thing you ate] already said
[something you're afraid of] being lonely...
[if you could have any animal as a pet what would it be] duck
[three cities you wouldn't mind relocating to] Scotland (haha...not a city), Alaska, Arizona
[something you wish you could understand better] my mother

[miss someone you haven't seen in a long time] Definetly

DO YOU...:

[like candles]yes

[like incense] depends on the smell
[believe in love] yes
[believe in soulmates] yes
[believe in love at first sight]yes
[believe in forgiveness] yes
[want to get married] yes
[want to have kids] 3
[believe that you know the person that you'll marry at this point in time] nah...noone wants to be commited to me...well no one i know right now


[cried] NOPE!
[bought something] NOPE!
[sang] NOPE!
[eaten] yes
[been kissed] nope!
[felt stupid] prolly
[wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't] yes
[met someone new] NOPE!
[moved on] don't know...but, we're thinking of moving IN to a new home
[missed an ex] NOOOO!
[talked to someone you have a crush on] yes
[had a serious talk] yes
[missed someone] yes
[hugged someone] NOPE!
[fought with your parents] NOPE!
[dreamt about someone you can't be with] NOPE!


[best girl friend(s)] HUONG, BEAULA, KATLYN
[best guy friend(s)] I don't have any...maybe John Weghorst...
[boyfriend/girlfriend] NOPE!

[hobbies] oh boy...don't ask
[pager/cell] no/yes
[are you the center of attention or wallflower] wha?
[car you drive] RED 89 BRONCO II
[would you rather be with friends or on a date] friends...less stress
[job] NOPE!
[attend church] yessir
[like being around people] yes

[ever been kissed?] yes
[done drugs?] yes
[alcohol?] yes
[drove under age?] yes
[had sex?] yes
[stayed up all night?] yes
[skipped school?] yes
[gotten into a fist fight?] yes
[had braces?] yes
[loved someone (besides family)?] yes

~Fun Never Stops
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