Title: Reality Sets In (Part III) Author: rendrag45 Rating: PG Summary: What Zach and Shaun discover at the hospital when they go to visit Jeanne in Portland. Disclaimer: All characters belong to movie Shelter.
Hi, found this lovely story only to find this is already chapter three and I can't find the rest, by any chance is it friends locked?. I love these boys and your writing is very nice. I love how Zach has introduced Shaun as his partner wit out hesitation and it made Shaun love him more if that is even possible. And after Zach's sister comes out of her coma and Zach can go home all he is interested in is food, sleep but mostly Shaun. very sweet. Thank you Torry
Thanks for reading and responding. There are five parts. I thought I had taken them all off the forum. I will repost the others in my journal if you want to read them there. Thanks, again!
Hate to keep on,but I can only find part 3,which I enjoyed very much,as well as all your other fic,beacause seeing how the family gets on over the years seems to be what appeals the most to me,and you do write a sweet story.Maybe you could put them in your memories? Thanks anyway for all you have written,very nice.
Comments 9
I wish you would try writing. Give eit some thought!
I hope you'll friend me. Would luv to read more of your writing. :)
out of her coma and Zach can go home all he is interested in is food, sleep but mostly Shaun.
very sweet. Thank you
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