Title: Holiday Fest 2009 - The Portrait
Author: rendrag45
Rating: PG
Mood: Happy
Tags: Zach, Shaun and Cody, Valentine's Day, Holiday Fest 2009
Shaun and Zach were sitting on the sofa in the family room, drinking a few beers and enjoying the small fire in the fireplace that took the chill out of the early January weather. They were
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Comments 1
This was made of awesome. I loved it. And I'm so glad you're writing again. I loved the idea of a portrait. I inmediately thought about them on the beach, just like that last scene in Shelter, so I was so damn happy when they decided to go to the beach and take the pic there. And Zach doing the frame was amazing.
This bit moved me so much. It was so sweet and beautiful:
“Don’t you get it yet, Shaun?” he spoke softly into Shaun’s ear, nuzzling and kissing him from time to time. “I didn’t have to look far to find the love. Wherever you are, there’s love. I see it all around you like an aura. I see it when you play with Cody, or when you cook supper for us, or when I’m down and you pick me up, and when you kiss me, or make sweet love to me in the middle of the night, or how you’re just always here for me. This portrait may be a Valentine’s gift for your mom, but You are my gift - every day of the year.”
WOW, just tender and romantic.
Thank you so much, babe. I hope you write more.
Lots of love and big hugs.
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