I'm so sorry Renee, I really enjoyed talking to you *pouts* I understand though..[this place will suck your life away] you know you can still lurk we won't mind... Damn! now I'll have to be nicer to Nicole *grumbles* You have been will be sorely missed... :( -Milla
*contemplates* I will still read you all's LJ's when I have time, and dont kill me if once in a while I'm tempted to post thru Nicole or Anonymous (I'd sign my name)
* Rachel S Club is the new Justin Timberlake * William Shatner's horse-wank dispute * Charts: Daniel Bedingfield is the new number one. ---------------------------------------------------
>> Jacking Off << Renee and Jack's sucky accident
Jack White was involved in a car accident in Detroit recently, forcing the White Stripes to cancel some tour dates.
A car driven by a couple of old ladies hit his car, deploying the airbags, which broke his finger. We hear Jack wasn't too upset... as he was enjoying oral relief from girlfriend Renee Zellwegger at the time.
Comments 6
[hah, I wont miss you either you little bitch. Laugh. -Mailie]
Damn! now I'll have to be nicer to Nicole *grumbles*
You have been will be sorely missed... :(
I'll miss you too!
POPBITCH _ _ _ _
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|_| |_| 23.07.03 *ISSUE 173*
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* Rachel S Club is the new Justin Timberlake
* William Shatner's horse-wank dispute
* Charts: Daniel Bedingfield is the new number one.
>> Jacking Off <<
Renee and Jack's sucky accident
Jack White was involved in a car accident in
Detroit recently, forcing the White Stripes to
cancel some tour dates.
A car driven by a couple of old ladies hit his
car, deploying the airbags, which broke his
finger. We hear Jack wasn't too upset... as he
was enjoying oral relief from girlfriend
Renee Zellwegger at the time.
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