I've been getting a lot of support from my friends lately about my mom and stuff. Thanks to all you people out there supporting. Stuff like this
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we luv pat!!!!
July 18 2004, 16:21:13 UTC
haha yeah we all luv ya pat..hehe...nd im here for u no matter wut...if u ever need anything jus ask or w/e...but i thynk u already kne tht...well ok..now im jus rambling on so im gunna go now...but seriously if u need ANYTHING dnt b afraid to ask [[not tht u would b afraid but w/e]]<--haha
Hey PaT No peoblem you know i m always here for you and your mommZie :) hehehe seemed like you had a purrtie Spiffy day Yestuday :)but that kidd who brook your glasses you should brake his face :) yuppyupp see Violance can be the answer... AT TiMes..... so ya i hope that your MomZie gets AlL better and i want you to know that i m always here if want me...... and so is EvEry one Eles ok :) We are Prying for you and your mom and YOUR FaMlY XoX
*_-->My LiL BrUtHa<--_*
July 18 2004, 17:14:28 UTC
Hey PaTricke ; ) you kno im with you thru all of this..youre mom is sucha sweetie and i hope shes okay..shell b ok tho..she made it thru 1ce..then i know shes strong enough to do it again..but another important this is that YOU have to stay strong..like you have been. Youre mom is like my mom..cuz im ur big sister..and i gotta watch out for you..you know im a house away if you need me lol..i gotch bak..and i love you so friggin much..ive known u longer than anybody*! i looooooove ya.. stay strong.. yOuR BiG sIsTah - HiLaRy xO xO muAh!
Comments 10
--eema =)
PS: Keep the comments coming, friends.
No peoblem you know i m always here for you and your mommZie :) hehehe seemed like you had a purrtie Spiffy day Yestuday :)but that kidd who brook your glasses you should brake his face :) yuppyupp see Violance can be the answer... AT TiMes..... so ya i hope that your MomZie gets AlL better and i want you to know that i m always here if want me...... and so is EvEry one Eles ok :)
We are Prying for you and your mom and YOUR FaMlY XoX
Mucho Love ..... Me
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