The memo is distributed amongst all the members of Torchwood One, placed in boxes and trays, e-mailed to personnel inboxes, a week following the defeat of the Master.
TO: All Torchwood One personnel | FROM: Ianto Jones, Director | RE: Current Events
As you all know, we are suffering the aftermath of a paradox's end. The last year, lost to the rest of the world, but which we all remember, has been a difficult experience. Most of you did not survive it. It was traumatizing and I expect no one to experience an immediate return to normalcy. You have, each and every one of you, pulled through events with a courage and tenacity that leaves me in awe. Paid time off will be granted to any staff member who requests it, regardless of rank or position, but I encourage all of you to stay. Take all the time you need to cope with events, but I will not accept any resignations for the next six weeks. The choice will then be yours, but please understand: Torchwood is not a job you leave lightly.
The most recent crisis is past, but our task is not over. Torchwood One was refounded by Her Royal Majesty as the first line of defence against alien threat. In light of what has occurred, we must keep in mind that our duty is now more important than ever. We have seen what is capable of happening, and have been given a rare second chance to make things right. We must keep a weather eye on the horizon and assure that it does not happen again.
I thank you all for your fortitude in doing your duty.
Ianto Jones