I have just been kicked out of the
snuna_exchange community because I posted a suggestion. And I'm not even a writer! XD
The only suggested editorial changes you will ever see from me will be related to typos and formatting irregularities (although, if you send dark!fic and your giftee listed that in her squicks, I will send your fic back to you for revision, but I doubt any of you will do that).
Next round you might want to detail your personal definition for genfic that you are going to use to judge fics against when requesting rewrites.
The bit in italics is a line I quoted from the post I left the suggestion in. i was rather displeased with the way that one of my friends had been treated, and so I left a suggestion as to how to avoid situations like my friend's in the future. I thought I had worded my comment rather nicely, too.
Ah well. I guess if I want to read the fics that get posted to this exchange I'll have to wait until they get posted elsewhere.