name: rowan hawes
gender: female
birthdate: 19th febuary 1990
heritage: english on my mums side and french on my dads.
status: single?
dreams: to die with no regrets and to make a lot of money through any means possible, and i mean any means be that under the board. I've always fancied a career in politics (dictatorships), and trying the police force and journalism maybe...
strength: individuality, articulate, intelligent, noble, cultured, perceptive, independent, charming, honesty, good sense of right and wrong, good judge of character, confident and determined.
weakness: violence, arrogance, superiority complex, domineering, controlling, manipulative, cruel, sadistic, cold hearted, perverted and insane.
likes: sleeping, relaxing, watching topgear, being left alone, kimonos, hot baths, fires, winter mornings, smell of gunpowder, battle royale and individuals.
fave color: peacock blue, blood red, night black and nightshade purple.
ideal partner/soulmate?: i dont think you know who your soulmate is until you meet them...i am usually attracted to individual people or badass guys but i have a complex about that.
dislikes: little children, clowns, spiders, ladders, daytime television, weak people and people who dont respect you personal space...thats why its called personal boys and girls.
if you can have a super strength, what will it be?: A super power? super strength perhaps but thats so cliche immortality would be useful as well hmmm the ability to transform anything around you into a weapon, sort of like tokiko's skirt i guess but Koshaku's special power is really cool.
if you were in school, what will you be strerotyped as?: (just assume) I know what i am stereotyped as seeing as its whispered not very slyly in the corridors ithat i am a amuses my friends no end who always draw pictures of me in nazi uniforms to irritate me.
perfect vacation spot?: i went to geneva in the summer which was a-mazing but i've always wanted to go to iceland and tokyo
what will you do after winning a million dollars?: spend it all as soon as i get it probably but then a million dollars isnt that much if you think about it i guess i could make that last...a week
any rolemodels?: no i dont thik its healthy to be jealous of other people i am happy with who i am and know what i want to aim for.
what will you most likely do in a party?: drink all the available alcohol and keep well clear of the dancefloor
the only thing you'll bring along on a deserted island?: entire collection of battle royale manga
fave BR charac(s): Victoria is pretty awesome admittedly
fave pairing: NakamuraxTokiko
least fave BR charac(s): Kazuki i view him as a boring run of the mill protaganist no offense
fave BR scenes: when we meet victor
fave BR song/music: i like most of them dont have a specific favourite.
anything else?: nein
photos: (optional)