Seduction. DBSK KISS

Jan 21, 2008 11:56

I was voted as Victoria, but don't feel like I am her...So here I am...


name: Sephira
gender: Female
birthdate: Sept. 5
heritage: American with some Scottish/Irish
status: Single
dreams: To become a manga creator or a young adult author, to learn Japanese and go visit Japan

strenght: Loyal, strong-willed, quick learner, brutually honest, creative
weakness: half deaf, opinonated, poor eye contact, mood-swings, blunt
likes: anime, manga, vampires, glittery stuff, cats, haunted houses, spooky things, ghosts, witches, ghouls, reincarnation, Egyptian stuff, collecting Princess stuff, stuffed animals with states on them, cool looking lighters, stuff with cats, stuff with cows Motorcycles, speed {as in how fast motorcycles and cars go}, fire, guns, cold-hearted/broken/evil/sadistic/maschoist characters, J-Rock music, J-Pop, Gackt, Dir en grey, Malice Mizer, Utada Hikaru, Nana Kitade, Mika Nakashima, Hyde, plushies of my fave anime characters, cows, cats, RPing, games, Japan, Japanese stuff, samurai stuff, ninja stuff. K-Pop, Super Junior, M, ChoShinSung, demons
fave color: Dark Purple
ideal partner/soulmate?: My ideal partner has to be Asian {Prefly Japanese}, he/she can be kind of like me, must understand how I am and understand that I am a writer, so I am an artist and must understand that my eye contact is very bad, since I'm half deaf I read lips when I look at someone and I tend to look away...Oh and i'm not alovey dovey person...
dislikes: smokers {but i seem to be attracted to them}, my brother {Yes, I truly hate him and no it's not the sibling rivalry thing}, girls who act way too girly/hyper/bouncy, girls who dress slutty, my ex-boyfriend, being touched, people looking at me, people being near me, small spaces {I'm claustopjobic}, hospitals, needles, big crowds, loud noises, dogs {I really can't stand em}, guys who think they god's gift to women, liars, racists, idiots, ignorance {that probably counts with idiot}, fish, any sea food, being half deaf, I dislike a lot of stuff as I've been told I hate everything and I hate the people who think they are always right, love {how pathetic is that...Who really needs the heartbreak}, romance {I hate that}, being nice {I extremely hate being nice, it actually makes me sick for real}, I hate being nice, it makes me physically ill, no really it does...

if you can have a super strenght, what will it be?: Hmmm..I know I thought of something before, but I really don't know...Hmmm...maybe teleportation...That would be cool...
if you were in school, what will you be strerotyped as?: Y'know, I really don't know...I'm thinking really hard and nothing is coming to my mind...
perfect vacation spot?: Does it hafta be somewhere I've been? Then that case, I would hafta say my friend arizonaicerose's house. I went there for a week a month ago...It was fun...
what will you do after winning a million dollars?: Go buy some animes, manga, go to Japan, move my friend arizonaicerose out here, buy some J-Rock music, some K-Pop music...Anything else I can possibly think of...
any rolemodels?: Well let's see...I gotta say Kyo Nishimura of Dir en grey, he is half deaf and he's the lead singer of a J-Rock band, that is so cool. It inspires me a lot more now to become a manga creator...
what will you most likely do in a party?: Well when we have little get togethers, I tend to be quiet and go to my room {if it's at our house}, I'm not really that social...
the only thing you'll bring along on a deserted island?: The only thing I'd bring on a deserted island...Gackt...Can I bring him??? I wanna bring him....

fave BR charac(s): Kazuki Moto, Tokiko Tsumura & Shusui Hayasaka
fave pairing: Kazuki/Shusui, go figure it's yaoi...
least fave BR charac(s): Characters it would be Victor and his daughter, Victoria...I don't really like both of them...
fave BR scenes: Kazuki & Shusui training...That was awesome...
fave BR song/music: I've only seen 3 eppies of it, so probably the beginning theme song if I remember...

anything else?: Well, I think I said everything in the Dislikes. I have sevre mood-swings, I hate people in general, I don't like being nice. Believe it or not, me being nice actually makes me feel sick and it stresses me out. I hate being nice. I probably said this, but being nice..I'm not kidding you, I get sick from being nice...It stresses me out, I get headaches and my stomach starts to hurt...I generally don't like females in animes, but Busou Renkin has 2 females I like and I've been told I am a reserved person...
photos: This was taken Dec. 21, 2007, I am in the pink glasses and wearing the Halloween {Michael Myers} shirt...

hiwatari sekima, stamped

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