Title: Ballad of the Moon
Pairing: Jaemin, Yoomin
Length: Chapter 6/?
Genre: fantasy, adventure, angst,drama
Disclaimer: idea based on goose-girl fairy tale ~
Summary: Changmin has no control over his life as he's forced to leave his home to become the escort of the Crown Prince in a faraway land. Before he can even reach his destination, he's betrayed
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Comments 55
and really hate the sorcerer getting what he want :P
now Yoochun can't get rid of Changmin image from his head<3
hope he gonna find and safe both Changmin and himself from the sorcerer xD
huu..always lots of suffering to go around :S maybe i need to get some loving in next? ~ its ok, the sorcerer will cause things to happen that he might not have intended ! :D lovveee~~ kkkkkk
yoomin's gota catch up to the jaemin now ~!
thanks for ur lovely commment <3 <3 and sorry again for taking so long to update TTTT!
yeah you sure love to make the boys and the reader suffer lol xD
please some loving in next<3333333
yeah the sorcerer just gonna help the boys meet and falling in love<3
and loving Jae is scaring evil Junsu :P
someone need to teach Junsu a nice lesson for hurting my dear Minnie xD
yayyyyyy please the Yoomin catch up to the Jaemin ASAP<333333
thing gonna get more interesting once the love triangle form :P
as always waiting patiently for your updates :P
yoomin will be coming again sooon ~ <3
thank you for taking time to read/comment! u are awesome my fav yoomin!lady lol xDDDD
but...but Chunnie xave Minnie ok?!!!
and Jaejoong standing off to Junsu?? huhuhu...though i would say Jaemin is still far from being in love with each other Jaejoong standing in front off Junsu and sizing him is kind of enough for my Jaemin heart right now..:))
thank you for the chapter..:))
hope Chunnie will save Minnie from Jaejoong..:)"ok maybe not from Jae but from the bad stuff??"
hehe little duckbutt should be very careful shouldnt he? NOBODY touches the chanmi and gets away with it!!!!! *sends hunter!jae out to collect blood*
thank you for being patient with me like always!!!!!!! <3 <3 should give you some kinda reward..or point system..? lol XD
hmmm chunnie can try to take him...but u think jaejoong will let him go without a fight?? :P HO HO HO HO!!
yah Junsu you better re-learn on how to do your aegyo so that maybe Jaejoong will spare you and just maybe turn you into a duck hehe...:))"
owh don't worry you updating ish a reward itself..:))
"becaush i lub you...shhh don't tell anyone..:))"
well i wouldn't mind a soulmate stand off..:))
hahahaha! umm wont scary monster jaejae be immune to mere aegyo? um dubkbutt shud bribe him with some chanmi merchandise too LOLOL
i lub u too~ and its not a secret! kakakaka <3 <3
soulmate battle for the min <3 it does sound very awesomely great ! :D but would he be able to chose one of them? thats a horrible position to be put in :( *pats popular min*
I'm glad Chun is ok. I was worried for a moment that they will kill him or do something to him -_-
I think Junsu somehow know that Jae know about their conspiracy.
I can't wait for new chapter! Chun will go and find Min O.O I hope Jae will not kill Chun ^^
omg, how could i kill chunnie when yoomin hasn't had their chance yet ?? T^T
junsu should never have done what he did to min :P kkk its only a matter of time ~~
i hope i can get the next chapter done faster! thank u for reading/commenting <3 <3 :D
Junsu really is scared that they will tell his 'little secret' xD I would be too ^^
junsu would be in super huge trouble with his secret :X how can he keep it safe? ho ho hoh o~~~`~
will go back to changmin next chapter so hopefully some of ur questions shud be answered then :P
yes indeed.. if chunnie pursues changmin then minsu are bound to meet again HEH HEH just who will he believe when um.. one of them unfortunately cant talk XD LOL ..............
hehe min sorta has the best body guards right now.. even tho they hurt him themselves too :S
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