Title: Beautiful Thing...Beautiful You
Pairing(s): Yoomin, (Yunjae later)
Length: Chapter 8/?
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: violence,
Genre: AU, drama, angst, sci-fi
Summary: On one ordinary day like all others, Yoochun rescues an injured man. But the other is not quite what he seems to be. And was their meeting really a coincidence?
A/N: i'm not sure
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Comments 3
But I certainly shall!
Thank you for updating.
either way thanks for still giving it a chance and hope it doesnt disappoint~~:3 this one may get finished before the others if all goes well lol
poor yoochun though... jaejoong does have a point... in his bitterness, despair and anger at yunho and what these scientists have made his former lover into.
it's kind of inevitable for both of them... but i still have hope that someone will come to their rescue and stop the insanity of these scientists... the question is... when?
update again soon!
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