Title: Beautiful, Unusual (The Prettiest Thing) - Part 5/6
Disclaimer: Not my boys, although I kind of love them like they were.
Pairings/Characters: James/Logan
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~5,100 this part (in total over 25,000)
Warnings (overall): language, crossdressing, slight angst
Summary: Logan likes doctors and scientists and smart people
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Comments 2
I loved Carlos' exclamation about Kendall watching him and Camille dance. I don't think he was watching you in case you did something wrong, Carlos.
For someone portrayed as "dumb", James makes up good plans on the spot- especially if they seem to involve the truth, just in a weird, roundabout way. My heart was hurting for James and Logan because both were so close to getting what they each want, if only they could get past this thing, aka Jade. But Logan was absolutely correct, James never did consider how this plan would affect him if it didn't go as James wanted it.
I hope we get an actual list of why Logan's worth being exclusive. I'm so looking forward to the ending of this wonderful fic.
Ahaha well. You'll see :D
as;dlkfj I don't think James is actually dumb. Not like he thinks he is, anyway. He just puts so many layers of James-thinking over everything that it comes across as...not that bright. Or something?
And well, as you already know there is indeed an actual list~ And I keep saying this but thanks so much!! It really means a lot to me that you've been commenting on every chapter ♥
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