May 11, 2015 22:40

Avengers: Age of Ultron - EXACTLY what I expected. It was Awesome, but it still kind of broke my fangirl heart.

Noooooo! Jarvis! :'(
I suspected he would be the one to get "killed off" what with Ultron being a crazy AI and all, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. And I do take some comfort in that Ultron killed him and he didn't go all evil or anything, which was my biggest concern. Also, Tony is a freaking genius. If he didn't have JARVIS Jarvis backed up somewhere, I will disown him as my favorite superhero and Bruce Wayne/Batman will take his place. How's THEM apples, Stark? :p

As for plot twists I DIDN'T see coming - HOLY CLINT FAMILY, BATMAN! (See? I'm warning you, Stark... -evil eye-) Not that I am complaining... They may have threw me for the loop (still reeling a bit), but as I am pretty sure that was the point, all I can really say is kudos to the writers for managing to keep THAT secret from the crazy Avengers fanatics and spoiler whores for the last 9 months.

Also, they were adorable. Way to go, Clint! Who, by the way, was ALL SORTS OF AWESOME in this film. Just in case anyone didn't already know.

All that being said, I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about the film itself. Don't get me wrong, it was still awesome and I'm not sure I could ask for a better way to... well. End an Era, I guess.

I think I just answered my own non-question... Age of Ultron was exactly that... The end of an era. There will be more movies and there are many, many more an era to explore/continue to explore. But true to the comics that fueled the Marvel Movie fire - Things, they are a Changin'.


At the end, Vision and Ultron and that whole thing about change and fearing change Vision zapping Ultron to make way for the new - AVENGERS IS FOREVER CHANGING, OMG

Which, kind of duh, but also - Superheros retire (or die, though they also come back to life fairly regularly from what I understand) in the comics. Robert Downey Jr.'s contract is up after one or two more movies, so Iron Man is probably going to get a new pilot.

Also, if things stay true to the comic books, Bucky Barnes/Winter Solider will be taking up the Captain America cowl at some point (I think Chris Evans only has two or three more films in his contract.

Ditto with Thor/Chris Hemsworth, though he may have a few more films before his contract is up since he was still kind of a nobody when Marvel hired him on as Thor, thus they were probably able to wheedle more movies out of him when he first signed on. If the comics are to be believed, though, eventually he also will be replaced... by a girl.

Me thinks the running theme for phase three? Change. Lots and lots of change.

I dig change. Bring it!

avengers, speculation, comic, spoilers

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