Lavi does! He can control all the elements with his Innocence. ... ah, and I suppose if you consider that to be magic, I have it too, but I can't do anything like he can. Sorry to butt in... I'm Allen.
It's a little hard to explain. Innocence is... a fragment of God's will. It's the only substance in the world that can destroy the Akuma and Noah by saving their souls instead of just... killing them.
Theoretically, I have magic. But my wand was taken before I died, so I can't really do it anymore. Only when I'm extremely emotional or stressed, then, sometimes things happen, but I can't control what sort of effects take place.
I haven't had much success working on a way to get it back.
... I'm not really sure what you're talking about. When I say a wand, I mean a piece of wood from a living tree with a power core made from a magical creature... dragon heartstring, unicorn tail, phoenix feather, and so on. Mine was Yew with a unicorn tail core.
Comments 69
Fire reporting in, Inspector. I know we already spoke, but I figured I'd check in for posterity's sake.
Reply this about what's been going on the last few days?
What was your name? I'm not sure we've spoken. I'm Zuko.
Hi, Zuko. I'm Harry Dresden.
Um...I kind of have powers...but they're not really magic...I think...
Get outta there, kid, you don't know where it's been.
But I see what you mean about the powers. Any other powers?
Um, well...I can make people see things that aren't really hallucinations...sort of. It's kind of hard to explain...
That's a useful power. Like a glamor?
So what's Innocence, then? Not something I know about.
Any way of telling me that without the major religion thing? Me and God have had a few disagreements over the last couple years, you know?
I haven't had much success working on a way to get it back.
[He smirks]
Real wizards use staffs.
[He waves his in front of the crow to show it off]
... I'm not really sure what you're talking about. When I say a wand, I mean a piece of wood from a living tree with a power core made from a magical creature... dragon heartstring, unicorn tail, phoenix feather, and so on. Mine was Yew with a unicorn tail core.
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