3. That would be Tim Curry, sweetie. (Damn kids.) 8. You are my hero. 9. A "trader"? Like an Indian trader? Or a French fur trader from Canada? Do you wear a coonskin cap and drink from a dirty canteen? Hmmmmmmmm? 10. I don't care what turns you on. Really. I doubt anyone else does, either. 12. Please, let's have long discussions about the psychological implications of Loving People Who Don't Exist. We'll do it over coffee. Maybe we'll both be more sane afterward. (Doubtful.) 13. See above. 18. Once again, I don't believe you. (If it's true, we'll have to kill you on principle, anyway.) 20. It's not just you. 22 - 26 & 27. I have this idea. Let's hunt down these kids who, every week, seem feel the urge to post fifty billion secrets in a row, all of which look the same and are the same subject matter. Once we've tracked them down... let's KEEL THEM DED. *cough* ....No, seriously.
Comments 149
8. You are my hero.
9. A "trader"? Like an Indian trader? Or a French fur trader from Canada? Do you wear a coonskin cap and drink from a dirty canteen? Hmmmmmmmm?
10. I don't care what turns you on. Really. I doubt anyone else does, either.
12. Please, let's have long discussions about the psychological implications of Loving People Who Don't Exist. We'll do it over coffee. Maybe we'll both be more sane afterward. (Doubtful.)
13. See above.
18. Once again, I don't believe you. (If it's true, we'll have to kill you on principle, anyway.)
20. It's not just you.
22 - 26 & 27. I have this idea. Let's hunt down these kids who, every week, seem feel the urge to post fifty billion secrets in a row, all of which look the same and are the same subject matter. Once we've tracked them down... let's KEEL THEM DED. *cough* ....No, seriously.
And yes, I know it's sad.
5. The chick is pretty cute.
8. Rog/Jo is sexy.
10. Very.
12. That's sad.
15...um yay?
what the hell is with all of the secrets from paint?
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