Aug 02, 2010 03:16
- 00:36:48: Wow, my videos are going to take about 27 hours to upload. Yikes! But my new cam shoots HQ! Pray nothing crashes during the process!
- 00:37:40: So glad youtube allows 15 min videos now, my vid of Come Down To The Water/You Saved Me is like 14 mins...
- 00:39:03: @ starryrebel Yeah great to see you too. :) I'm uploading vids now, pix coming later.
- 00:40:06: OK, so noone is going to fill me in on what I've missed or what this Dusty Madrid thing is??? Thanks guys.. I get lost when I leave. FAIL!
- 00:46:42: @ thomdaugherty You guys went out at the very top last night. Thanks for everything you've shared with us over the years...
- 00:48:53: @ srhbth Yes, they just started allowing longer vids. I checked before I set everything to load tonight, knowing I had one over 10 mins!
- 00:50:37: Is there a Ustream tonight? Someone hook me up, I didn't get a DM today...?????
- 00:53:32: @ Netmeg99 - Wow, what a beautiful photo. Thanks for sharing!
- 00:58:53: @ squirleen Pooh, I don't have last night's link either, last DM I find was the 28th (I've been away) can you DM it to me, please? *begs*
- 01:29:25: @ squirleen that's weird you show up on mine... thanks anyhow. got the recipe elsewhere... trying to connect.
- 01:36:39: Some lady has gone into labor at Adam's concert tonight? And I hear she wants to stay at the show as long as she can!
- 09:54:07: Squee! WAJI Ft Wayne IN just played @ ryanstar Breathe and @krisallen LLWD back to back while I drove to church...
- 11:47:22: The youth at mychurch spoke about their mission work trip to S Carolina today. The pre-service video was @ chris_daughtry What About Now...
- 11:56:24: @ adamsgirl1226 Computer kept crashing. Yes I had an emotional weekend and last night didn't help, but I'm a little better now...
- 11:58:26: @ adamsgirl1226 I never saw you come into the private chat I set up so I left. Well, stream crashed me anyhow.
- 14:10:32: Home, fed, and almost ready to go to bed... So tired... Such a long and emotional weekend. I'm exhausted.
- 14:11:58: Got the last few Elms videos uploading now. You guys are amazing, I don't even have them edited/labelled yet and there are a bunch of views!
- 14:18:33: In the last 7 days, I lost 37 followers and I caught them all with #whounfollowedme
- 14:20:08: I know the 139 people that aren't following me back thanks to #notfollowingback
- 14:21:52: I'm unfollowing a bunch of folks that aren't following me... If you're a lurker, just go ahead and follow me or you risk being blocked...
- 14:26:45: Except 4 celebs, there's really no reason 4 me 2 follow anyone who's not following me, right? Bye bye peeps. Sorry yer follower # went down!
- 14:30:44: @ CHRIS_Daughtry - What the heck? FAIL indeed...
- 14:31:28: Bed now. I need to sleep off my emotions from this weekend. Later peeps...
- 21:06:12: @ SarversAngels LOL It could happen... I'm married to someone from one of my favorite bands! Even met him at a show!
- 21:07:02: Whut? Adam had a Twitter Party??? Of course I missed it...
- 21:07:41: Ice Road Truckers is on... love this show!
- 21:27:23: @ CASPURR78 *confused* what is all this Dusty stuff? Haven't been online as much lately, help a girl out...
- 21:36:02: Once again, apparently I fail. Getting pretty good at it...
- 21:40:50: @ SarversAngels Yup my hubby was the original bass player for the Christian Rock band Petra! He's in the Gospel Music Hall Of Fame!
- 21:49:34: @ foxvegas just now found the message I was to follow you. No wonder I had recipe FAIL this weekend. Please send me tonights?
- 21:53:52: Yes, my life is definitely fail....
- 22:07:36: @ FoxVegas Thanks. I had no idea why I hadn't gotten recipes this weekend...
- 22:13:38: @ FoxVegas Ok thanks. Tonight was questionable ninjaing in since I work at mid ET. Wish I had known to contact ya last nite while off :(
- 22:15:57: @ caspurr78 did ya get my last tweet? I really could use some filling in on what's going on if you have time. Thanks...
- 22:17:24: @ jessig03 Hope you have a good time... :) You're going to a lot of shows lately....
- 22:20:35: @ owenmthomas That was an incredible 4 1/2 hours, tho. How long did you sleep after that marathon of music and emotion?
- 22:28:42: @ srhbth Send me a plane ticket to Philly :)
- 22:39:34: @ Glittery_Shorty Guess you'll be vising with me in that hole, I've felt that way all weekend... (((((HUGS))))) Love you sis.
- 22:44:10: So Steven Tyler is confimed as an Idol judge? I can live with that. Better than a lot of names I've heard tossed around...
- 23:12:07: Nooooooo! There are 7 minutes left in a 9 hour upload. You are NOT crashing, right?
- 23:14:36: @ FallBackIntoMe it is? That will save my feed from a couple folks I love but annoy the crap out of me with all their retweets...
- 23:16:10: @ versifier146 Ooh, we listened to his CD today too. Pretty good stuff!
- 23:17:38: Packing up my @ michaelsarver1 CD to listen at work tonight. My group home residents really like it :)
- 23:18:58: @ jessig03 Thanks sis. If you'd had my weekend, though... My emotions are all over the place...
- 23:22:56: Thank you @God, my 929mb video upload of CDTTW/YSM didn't crash after 9 hrs! @ theelmsofficial vids up on my Youtube!
- 23:24:19: @ ThomDaugherty Several old friendships were renewed Friday as well! :)
- 23:25:33: Last video is processing, will finish in 23 mins. Will start sorting and posting photos tomorrow!
- 23:26:03: Headed to work now. Later my loves....
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