05:53:51: RT @andrearawr: New Glambert word: Dail. It means fail, except it's better. @ reoracer is a word inventor.
09:04:02: What time are buses arriving to this year's Idol tour? Thinking about trying to catch Idol buses Tues before Adam's show, both in same city!
09:37:18: Is anyone else considering doing Idol buses before heading over to Adam's show in Indy tomorrow night? Is it logistically possible?
11:57:44: Fresh tomatoes, spinach, onion, sour cream, parmesan cheese, garlic, and hot peppers run thru my food processor. Eaten with taco chips=Yum!
12:02:43: @ nicolebakes4you Thought for sure you'd comment on my tweet about Andrew Ranger and other Canadian drivers yesterday!
12:04:15: Still can't sleep today... Still deciding if I wanna meet the Idols tomorrow before going to Adam's show. Same city same day...
12:13:54: Best bday wish evr RT @ cassidyhaley HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @holyfuckme ! may this year bring you a new twitter handle that doesn't make me blush.
12:15:28: @ C_H_Army Did you guys get my emails? Need anything else from me?
12:16:27: Eating the last cup of drunk jello. These were GOOD!
12:18:29: Anyone else considering doing Idol buses before heading over to Adam's show in Indy tomorrow night? Is it logistically possible?
12:19:42: Gonna try this sleep thing again. Hope I'm rested and up before dark so I can get a decent run in...
17:48:19: Yay, I finally picked out my clothes for the two concerts this week. Then switched which is for what day, due to outdoor show on Saturday...
17:49:42: Ooh, KY has camera Nazis tonight? FAIL. We better not have security issues tomorrow. Adam doesn't care if we film, why should they?
17:54:17: @ cjester27vi70 You're going to be in Indy too? I was thinking about coming over for Idol buses, I'm seeing Adam at Butler tomorrow night.
17:55:41: So security is doing body patdowns and bag searches and has said they will take away (and destroy?) cellphones if you're caught taking pix?
17:56:34: Glad I'm not going to tonight's show! I thought photos and videos were up to artist discretion? Maybe Adam will tell security off again?