Sep 08, 2010 03:14
04:53:04 : @ MerrieLINY Adam signed a poster for me and a t shirt for my friend's granddaughter... 04:53:29 : @ angelbaby000 What vid is this? 04:54:06 : Here's one of my videos (ENTIRE SHOW IS NOW POSTED!) -- Adam Lambert - Rockford 9/4/10 - If I Had You via @youtube 04:55:30 : Thanks Sharon for screencapping the shot of Adam hugging me! 14:06:31 : Gotta love waking up with Benadryl medicine head. Spider bite feels better but I'm so groggy. Back to bed... 14:11:26 : @ imperfect_words @allisonsgrandma Should be able to get to bank & post ofc during open hours Thurs to get stuff on way to ya! 14:13:11 : I feel like crap... More nap before workout and rehearsal tonight... Spiders, please refrain from biting me anymore. Kthx! 16:10:30 : Peaceful coexistence! My kitties are being so good today... 16:51:27 : I'm gonna try to go running now, hope i don't get blown away! 18:13:58 : Talk about windblown! Nothing like finishing a run into 1236427189634 mph headwinds! 3.2 easy miles, 31:58. 19:21:52 : Off to rehearsal tonight... 19:38:18 : What time is AGT on tonight in ET? Hope rehearsal is out early enough to catch it... 19:52:51 : Where are our singers? We were supposed to start 15 minutes ago. Always waiting for them, the band is ready... 20:05:19 : Now we're just listening to a recording of the new song we're learning... We got recordings 2 weeks ago, did anyone else listen to it? 20:07:43 : Darn it this is not a good night, my flute just got knocked over and has an expensive new dent in it... 20:10:25 : Oh joy, the instrument I need for the new song is locked in the gym. So now that we started I just get to sit here and pretend I'm playing. 20:27:50 : REHEARSAL FAIL...Been here a hour and have yet to actually get to play a note... Would be nice to do a song my instrument is here for! 21:21:17 : Turned on AGT now, have I missed @ princepoppycock yet? 21:23:22 : @ deeppoolsofblue I still haven't recovered from Tuesday and expecially not from Saturday... Wish there were more shows for us! 21:35:51 : @ bluzgrrl I don't think we've missed either, I like them both, too... Voting for @princepoppycock on this end though... 22:23:23 : Michael Grimm did a great job tonight... Now where's my Prince? 22:27:39 : Can't believe noone commented on my cute kitties today :( 22:27:54 : @ Nitnat20 that's bedtime for me... 22:44:07 : I love you @ princepoppycock ! Great job! 23:09:13 : Reading back through my tweet feed, I'll never need to watch White Collar, I know everything that happened already... 23:10:33 : I'm off voting for my fave on AGT anyhow LOL... ONly have to vote 10 times on this show, not all night LOL... 23:11:49 : @ endsintears @jessig03 It's OK, I know I'll probably do the same when Merlin comes back on :) 23:14:00 : @ GlambertFan33 Done :) 23:16:24 : @ SaucyAussie Is that my comment about White Collar you're referring to? That was meant as a giggle, most WC fans on my feed took it as such. 23:19:30 : @ SaucyAussie Did I ever say I was upset about it?? Not until I just read the rest of your feed. That hurts to be talked about behind my back 23:22:32 : @ SaucyAussie Is it appropriate to restate UR comment why should I censor my feed 2 make some1 else happy? It was a joke until U trashed me. 23:28:44 : Great, my night ends in drama and a friend pissed at me for taking something I said jokingly as something personal. Time for work now. Tweets copied by