for Pre-DR background and the thread log for her activity during her first visit.>>
When Seiran found herself back in her own world, she was initially upset, missing people and life in the DR. And having to witness another fight between Horus and Set upon her return - caused by Set sensing her back in Cairo - didn't help matters. If it weren't for her guardians and getting out of there fast, she'd likely be dead. As is, Central Egypt was nearly decimated in 'unexpected, consecutive earthquakes' and even after the area was uninhabitable as the two gods fell back and fought via loyal spirits, much as the Pharaoh and his court had millenniums ago. Seiran lost the continual use of her guardians soon after that started, since Horus was too busy constantly battling Set to provide energy for them. If she wanted to summon any spirits, she had to do it on her from their cards.
But the rest of the world remained largely untouched, and within the first month of coming back Seiran approached her old friends and told them the truth, starting with Jounouchi. He was ecstatic to learn who she was, and was able to accept her story about the DR with ease, given he visited himself as Piston. But while many believed her, some struggled to connect her to their lost friend. But a few impromptu reunions brought her back into the circle, even if said circle was broken up around the world. In the meantime, Seiran traveled with Jounouchi and Mai to worldwide DM tournaments. She couldn't attend as many as her on-and-off again roommates, needing to watch her health and recover from the occasional attack from Set, but the ones she did join and win earned her a quick reputation in the dueling world.
She was about to leave another reunion of the group when a dark duel spirit sent by Set [Despair from the Dark] struck. Seiran eventually managed to defeat it with Silent Magician, but it took time, harmed her, and destroyed most of the hotel they were in. The cave-in killed twenty-three people, including Isis and Jounouchi. The guilt of all their deaths hung over her, and convinced Seiran to return to Alexandria - still a gigantic battle zone of duel spirits - and confront the two gods. Either she'd manage to work out some deal with one of them, or she'd get killed and they'd lose their excuse have no more reason to fight. After nearly a week of fighting with Anzu about going she finally checks herself out of the hospital, gathers her things, and rushes to the airport- Only to end up somewhere else. Again.