[Well hello there not!son, your not!dad appears fairly apathetic at the moment as well, at least at first. He'll wait a bit before even saying anything as you pass by.]
You wouldn't happen to know where the coffee is kept in here, would you?
[That's his automatic response before he stops in place, backtracks a little and realizes that no, this guy isn't a drone.
On one hand, he's not pleased. How is he supposed to continue his experiments on drones if there aren't any more in the house?! On the other hand, not a drone, so he's okay with it. So long as there's something interesting about him...]
[ Sure, Letty's been noticing. Actually, she's watching him, arms folded and her back resting against a table. She had been making it a habit to sleep in the cold of the basement, though the move of the not!son's laboratory there too was, well... ]
I didn't know we were going to have someone new in this house. [ From his words, she wonders if one of the other two invited him to stay. But for a long time? ]
As long as you don't change them around here to make it easier for yourself. It's hard for some of us to become accustomed to as it is.
Comments 119
Even telling me he is still here is helpful.
It would seem I've arrived while the town has been causing trouble.
You wouldn't happen to know where the coffee is kept in here, would you?
[That's his automatic response before he stops in place, backtracks a little and realizes that no, this guy isn't a drone.
On one hand, he's not pleased. How is he supposed to continue his experiments on drones if there aren't any more in the house?! On the other hand, not a drone, so he's okay with it. So long as there's something interesting about him...]
Who are you?
I am me. You may call me Wilhelm.
[And he knows parts and basics of who you are, Mao, but he's found it to be rude to show that immediately to other people. At least in most cases.]
I'll assume you're the boy intended to be my son here, correct?
I see.
Thank you for informing me.
She debates "I'm sorry", but ultimately decides against it.]
Crowe is doing okay, as well as he possibly can in this town.
I'm glad to know so many people have decided to keep an eye on him.
Making sure nothing has gone missing?
More becoming accustomed to being in a new house. I knew where I kept things in the old one. I suppose having it changed here is a bit of a conundrum.
As long as you don't change them around here to make it easier for yourself. It's hard for some of us to become accustomed to as it is.
[He nods, shortly and politely.]
I understand. I assure you everything will remain in its proper place, miss.
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