You forgot to do that survey a few entries back.
At the very least, post Alone on the subway.
Maybe patch up Melody of a Violin.
and finish
prompt 001: in the beginning
prompt 002: No one knows, but above the clouds...
prompt 003: picture prompt
prompt 004: Four empty lines
prompt 005:
I saw it all in a shard of glassprompt 006:
Rot kissed bananasprompt 007:
I was fourteen whenprompt 008: Heat
prompt 009: Crash
prompt 010: Cold water on my hands
prompt 011: “We dance round in a ring and suppose, While the secret sits in the middle and knows." ~Robert Frost
prompt 012: Luck
prompt 013: Water slide
prompt 014: Riches
prompt 015: picture prompt
prompt 016: Chasing fireflies
prompt 017: Wound
prompt 018: The window rattled
prompt 019: I heard her that morning
prompt 020: I'll put his picture down and maybe, Get some sleep tonight
prompt 021: pages scattered about the floor
prompt 022: Dear ________,
prompt 023:
Layer of dustprompt 024: Rain drops keep falling
prompt 025:
Cheap perfumeprompt 026: A sunrise coming in from the east
prompt 027: Describe your typical or ideal Friday night
prompt 028: Anger
prompt 029: The end of summer
prompt 030: picture prompt
prompt 031: Ring around the rosy
prompt 032: A twig snapped
prompt 033: and it was enough to make him cry
prompt 034: His eyes were as black as...
prompt 035: In the wind
prompt 036: In an instant
prompt 037: Meant to be
prompt 038: The scars we bare
prompt 039: Pulse
prompt 040: Butterflies in my veins
prompt 041:
Beer stainsprompt 042:
Starsprompt 043: Tears on a spiderweb
prompt 044: A moment of silence
prompt 045: bone shattering
prompt 046: Rings on every finger
prompt 047: Missing
prompt 048: If nobody lied
prompt 049: Birds in the sky
prompt 050: lost at sea
prompt 051: picture prompt
prompt 052: A small fortune
prompt 053: What did they keep on fighting for?
prompt 054: break down
prompt 055: Moonlight
prompt 056: Write about a memory as a confession
prompt 057:
Flowers in her hairprompt 058: The ground shifted
prompt 059: photography
prompt 060: And she said
prompt 061: Suds in the bucket
prompt 062: night rolled in
prompt 063:
chance meetingsprompt 064: children of war
prompt 065: Write your soul down word for word
prompt 066: milk and cookies
prompt 067:
across her skinprompt 068: Post secret
prompt 069: you could be happy
prompt 070: It was a dark and stormy night
prompt 071: Fear
prompt 072: and the thunder rolled
prompt 073: Roaches on the wall
prompt 074: hotel paper
prompt 075: Falling
prompt 076: picture prompt
prompt 077: as a child
prompt 078: we need to talk
prompt 079: wine glasses
prompt 080: Halloween theme
prompt 081: The lights went out
prompt 082: the last pages
prompt 083: Moving day
prompt 084: hopeless
prompt 085: teddy bear
prompt 086: What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
prompt 087: desert
prompt 088: missing pieces
prompt 089: we both knew
prompt 090: everyone was silent
prompt 091: Flames to dust
prompt 092: Her hair fell over her eyes
prompt 093: dust in the air
prompt 094: Through the mirror
prompt 094: This is the way the world ends.
prompt 095: Thankful
prompt 096: dreaming
prompt 097: lost
prompt 098: The second her feet left the bridge...
prompt 099:
It's not a dateprompt 100: Don't cry for me
prompt 101: String of pearls
prompt 102: piles on the floor
prompt 103: family reunions
prompt 104: picture prompt
prompt 105: Murder
prompt 106: The iron gates...
prompt 107: in the corners of the room
prompt 108: The wheels spun
prompt 109: the dry wind on his face
prompt 110: Dear Anyone
prompt 111: sway of the boat
prompt 112: At the end of the night
prompt 113: The leather journal
prompt 114: Everyone believes in something
prompt 115: I never thought...
prompt 116:
The second hand movedprompt 117: Excitement
prompt 118: Holiday
prompt 119: cigarette burns
prompt 120: horrible date
prompt 121:
disappointed dreamsprompt 122: End of the year
prompt 123: New beginnings
prompt 124: My luck was beginning to change
prompt 125:
Her voice trembledprompt 126: the end of the road
prompt 127: the way home
prompt 128:
Broken manprompt 129: picture prompt
prompt 130: trust
prompt 131: around the corner
prompt 132: tattoos
prompt 133:
blank stareprompt 134: in the end
prompt 135: box in the attic
prompt 136: footprints in the snow
prompt 137: a poor man's memory
prompt 138:
Emptyprompt 139: picture prompt
prompt 140: dancing
prompt 141: how it happened
prompt 142: broken promises
prompt 143: I want...
prompt 144: silent wilderness
prompt 145:
All I could doprompt 146: wind
prompt 147: sell your soul
prompt 148:
His first thought was...prompt 149: torture
prompt 150: white
prompt 151: Take an emotion, any emotion (ex: anger, sadness, happiness, lust, jealousy), and turn it into a fictional character
prompt 152: Names on the sidewalk
prompt 153: dark house
prompt 154: picture prompt
prompt 155:
No one needs to knowprompt 156: cold
prompt 157: distant shores
prompt 158: disagree
prompt 159: Revolution
prompt 160: What is love?
prompt 161: cloudless sky
prompt 162:
Not enough hours in the dayprompt 163: picture prompt
prompt 164: Bottom line is, even if you seem them coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So what are we, helpless? Puppets? Nah. The big moments are gonna come, you can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts. That's when you find out who you are.
prompt 165: candy hearts
prompt 166: wishful thinking
prompt 167: Signs
prompt 168: He'd never seen the ocean
prompt 169: Three little words
prompt 170: tomorrow
prompt 171:
This time there was nothing to do but wait.prompt 172:
no one believed meprompt 173: Left behind.
prompt 174: picture prompt
prompt 175:That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain -Hamlet
prompt 176:
gold.prompt 177: the only thing she loved in life more than him
prompt 178: a long way from home
prompt 179: a pen with no ink
prompt 180: this is my choice.
prompt 181: I've never been anywhere
prompt 182: alone on the subway
prompt 183: and so I ran
prompt 184:
perfectprompt 185: picture prompt
prompt 186: what if...
prompt 187: You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love till it kills you both. You'll fight and you'll shag and you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood. Blood screaming inside you to work its will.
prompt 188: on the side of the road
prompt 189: illusion
prompt 190: my worst fear
prompt 191: I came back
prompt 192: picture prompt
prompt 193: all the pieces fit
prompt 194: all in good time
prompt 195: wicked
prompt 196: Her hair was like...
prompt 197: melody of a violin
prompt 198: sleep never came easily
prompt 199: I listened.
prompt 200: on our wedding day
prompt 201: flames
prompt 202: we sat together in silence
prompt 203: you can never have too many...
prompt 204: it's just a ride
prompt 205: picture prompt
prompt 206:
our song.prompt 207: "You looked at me, but you saw someone else."
prompt 208: watching the sky
prompt 209: the reason
prompt 210: guilt
prompt 211: tricks
prompt 212: high school
prompt 213:
roses are redprompt 214: forever is an awfully long time
prompt 215:
life's a showprompt 216: cold hearted
prompt 217: he lied
prompt 218: What I expected
prompt 219: childhood
prompt 220: "Lips are turning blue/ A kiss that can't renew."
prompt 221: Loyalty
prompt 222: picture prompt
prompt 223: every morning
prompt 224: angels on earth
prompt 225: hiding
prompt 226: the street was quiet
prompt 227: we have people for that
propmt 228: Call 911
prompt 229: forbidden
prompt 230: crime
prompt 231: overcast skies
prompt 232: sometimes there's nothing you can do
prompt 233: picture prompt
prompt 234: I can't be trusted
prompt 235:
prompt 236:
prompt 237:
prompt 238:
prompt 239:
prompt 240:
prompt 241:
prompt 242:
prompt 243:
prompt 244:
prompt 245:
prompt 246:
prompt 247:
prompt 248:
prompt 249:
prompt 250:
prompt 251:
prompt 252:
prompt 253:
prompt 254:
prompt 255:
prompt 256:
prompt 257:
prompt 258:
prompt 259:
prompt 260:
prompt 261:
prompt 262:
prompt 263:
prompt 264:
prompt 265:
prompt 266:
prompt 267:
prompt 268: And she said. (Yes, again.)
prompt 269:
prompt 270:
prompt 271:
prompt 272:
prompt 273:
prompt 274:
prompt 275:
prompt 276:
prompt 277:
prompt 278:
prompt 279:
prompt 280:
prompt 281:
prompt 282:
prompt 283: I see it in your eyes
prompt 284: ghostly galleon
prompt 285: There but for the grace of god [go I]. ~ John Bradford
prompt 286: degringolade
prompt 287: Velveteen
prompt 288: Footsteps in the distance
God, there's no reason to be so lazy.
Also, LJ. Why do my mood theme keywords and icon keywords cross wires?
Default icon should be default icon. Not 'determined' icon, when I select 'determined' mood theme.
I thought that was a temporary/fluke of a glitch. Not permanent. *Pokes at it.*