
Aug 04, 2006 15:19

Yay! My first hangover...more later...maybe...maybe not.

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Comments 20

psylight August 6 2006, 04:29:05 UTC
I love you and all but I'm going to do this:



You know I love you. peace!


repentantshadow August 10 2006, 18:29:06 UTC
It was only my second time drinking this year...but it made me feel relaxed...which I am usually pretty uptight on the inside...so it's kind of hard for me not to become a lush.
Though the fact that drama happens almost every time I drink deters me a little.


WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...Burp!! emi_red August 7 2006, 07:02:24 UTC
Ok, I'm your friend now^^ so add me as your friend too^o^"kukuku!!!!!

^____~Hmmmmm...getting drunk I seee!! ...I don't like the way it effects me, I just get tiered and want to sleep...or do nothing...Haven't gotten Drunk I don't think, but close......

Whatever >.<"
Anyways, GO Check OUT my SITE!!!!!! ^o^"Muahhhahahah!! I command you!!


Lodging My Official Protest andrastelovesu November 6 2006, 07:19:12 UTC
Agains the fact that you haven't posted since August, and it is now November. Such negligence is intolerable. Post or die.


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