I do, because the person I offered the trade to for it hasn't answered anything since the 10th, but are you sure? :o Cos I know you're collecting it and all...
*yay for being too lazy to log out of RP journals*
Yeah, it's cool! I still owe you a card and everything, and you're so much closer to completing the deck than I am. XD I can have your Dice06 for it, and we can call it even--? \o\;
haha, alright then :D dice 06 is yours~ thank you muchly |D
and I'll still leave the trade for the other delicious 01 open, and if I ever get a response to it soon I can trade that one to you then, if you don't have it again already xD
Yeah, it's cool! I still owe you a card and everything, and you're so much closer to completing the deck than I am. XD I can have your Dice06 for it, and we can call it even--? \o\;
and I'll still leave the trade for the other delicious 01 open, and if I ever get a response to it soon I can trade that one to you then, if you don't have it again already xD
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