Pfft. 8D People who can write porn definitely should, because too many people who can't do anyway (like me XD), and you absolutely can write good porn. :D :D
...and, at risk of being shot, your love for porn makes me want to see Rewind Forward finished even more, because there is such a terrible lack of good porn for Niou & Yagyuu... >(
you know, I forgot to tell you this, but I was bored at work one day and found a link in someones journal to a JP/HP/SS fic that you wrote (at least I believe it was you) and I read it. I had two reactions: 1st- I didn't know you wrote other stuff than H/D (which is not my pairing at all =\ ). 2nd- I cracked up at one part when it talks about Snape putting James on the left side of the bed, the evil side. It amused me so much, after all I had only been talking about the same thing in Dutch portraiture the day before in a paper (well the evil side, not the Snape, James bed part) ;D
I'm in awe of anyone who chooses to write creatively, either god or bad, because I can't do it myself. In addition to writing you also were working a crappy job pulling crappy shifts and had/have school. Good on you. =3 Wish I was that motivated.
Lol. It was such a small detail, but it made me happy. I was really reading too many books about it at the time, otherwise I might have missed it as well ;D
I'm so predictable but... SQUEE! More Ociwen's YukiSana! Good luck with that. Only last night I was talking about how much I love your Yukimura. :) Not a girl at all.
And you sure wrote a lot. Wow. I should kick my own arse and attempt to write even a quarter of that. D:
But the possibility of being a great author bitter hag is there... I'm definitely not normal, so I can try at the very least. New years resolution or something.
Well good luck with it! I really do enjoy your Sanada and Yukimura and the way you write them, together and on their own. Even if exhausting. :)
I liked A Wave in Windless Water best of all your HP fics, but my brain always read the title as A Wave in Wandless Water, which made the title seem so much more perverted than it actually was.
For some reson, I am completely enamoured of your fic Quicken to Silver. The Jiro/Atobe keeps me riveted, I have a strange fascination for the way you present this pairing.
Comments 41
Pfft. 8D People who can write porn definitely should, because too many people who can't do anyway (like me XD), and you absolutely can write good porn. :D :D
...and, at risk of being shot, your love for porn makes me want to see Rewind Forward finished even more, because there is such a terrible lack of good porn for Niou & Yagyuu... >(
I have a file sitting open on MSWord and I am not writing right now. WHY? *slaps own wrist* :S :S :S
1st- I didn't know you wrote other stuff than H/D (which is not my pairing at all =\ ).
2nd- I cracked up at one part when it talks about Snape putting James on the left side of the bed, the evil side. It amused me so much, after all I had only been talking about the same thing in Dutch portraiture the day before in a paper (well the evil side, not the Snape, James bed part) ;D
I'm in awe of anyone who chooses to write creatively, either god or bad, because I can't do it myself. In addition to writing you also were working a crappy job pulling crappy shifts and had/have school. Good on you. =3 Wish I was that motivated.
Must have been subconscious because I sure don't remember writing that detail! :D :D :D
And you sure wrote a lot. Wow. I should kick my own arse and attempt to write even a quarter of that. D:
The SanaYuki, yeah. I've worked on it on and off since July, and it is like the complete opposite of most out there but so...exhausting to write. Ugh.
Well good luck with it! I really do enjoy your Sanada and Yukimura and the way you write them, together and on their own. Even if exhausting. :)
For some reson, I am completely enamoured of your fic Quicken to Silver. The Jiro/Atobe keeps me riveted, I have a strange fascination for the way you present this pairing.
May you write as much in 2007 as you did in 2006!
Says me.
Will that happen? Nfu. *facepalms*
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