2010 List

Jan 07, 2010 15:45

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Comments 18

postingwhore January 7 2010, 21:20:59 UTC
i just want to say that you are alive!

also i never do this but FIRST COMMENT XD


reposoir January 7 2010, 21:22:49 UTC

I just keep either forgetting to post, or not being bothered! But I am alive! How are you? How are you coping with the snow? ;D


postingwhore January 7 2010, 21:25:58 UTC
I am pretty good, though not working on essays D: and failing to get onto a diurnal schedule D:

I am trying my best to avoid that ;p Thankfully I have a stockpile of food XD Go North American habits~ XD


reposoir January 7 2010, 21:28:46 UTC
Is it nice not having any classes?

lol, oh us North Americans and our stockpiles! There's a reason we can survive anything...weather, apocalyses, zombies...


mayezinha January 7 2010, 21:27:09 UTC
Also commenting randomly!
Glad to hear you're around
I suppose that you've been busy. ;D

BTW, I began reading "Confessions of a Yakuza", it's so-so, I must say, but I'm on chapter 3...


reposoir January 7 2010, 21:29:36 UTC
Only so-so? *makes note*

Yeah, just lazy and posting takes more effort than I feel like putting in at the moment. I am having nice stretches of ficcing, though! ;D


mayezinha January 7 2010, 22:14:32 UTC
I'm like 30 pages in, so there's not really much to say about it ye. ^^;;
hope that beside ficcing, you're catching up on vids/dramas as well!
(When you go back to UK? O.o)


reposoir January 7 2010, 22:18:37 UTC
Is it very confession-y?

Not really watching any dramas at the moment. But I am watching documentaries on ninjavideo, lol! It would help if the group doing Otomen would sub it faster. And that new Kame drama isn't out yet, is it?



venivincere January 7 2010, 23:08:40 UTC
With this list, anyone would think you've not been very productive. :-D We know the truth, though, don't we? You did have a pretty awesome year with all your travel, at least.

I'm so glad to hear you're ficcing. I'm dying for more. I recently re-read RF because I was needing another fic-fix. :-D


reposoir January 8 2010, 01:25:04 UTC
Well, it's only a week into January! This was actually meant to be backdated. lol whoops.

Do you want the next segment of the Big Bang when I'm halfway done the first draft, maybe? I have a few other things I've been dabbling on. Mostly enjoyably ;)


venivincere January 8 2010, 02:32:58 UTC
Oh, yes, please! :-D Please please please.

These other things you're dabbling on... would one of them be the RF sequel w/ Yagyuu POV? *is breathless*


reposoir January 8 2010, 03:47:40 UTC
Okay, will do. It could be a couple more weeks, since it's been slow going...

Nope, these are unrelated. RF was so long that I'm basically done with that verse for the most part.


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