About You…
Name: Rebecca Rose
Nicknames or Aliases: Beka, Rosie, B, Becks
Gender: F
Same Gender Stamp? Not necessary
Age: 22
Location: Tempe
A Snippet From A Song That Suits You Well: "Don't help me anymore, Dad//You are dead, Dad, in my eyes//Someone has replaced you//Dad, I hate you, go and DIE!" (it's fitting to my life, at any rate, I think that's what you want?)
Your Favorite Quote: "Nearly all marriages, even happy ones, are mistakes: in the sense that almost certainly (in a more perfect world, or even with a little more care in this very imperfect one) both partners might be found more suitable mates. But the real soul-mate is the one you are actually married to."
-J.R.R. Tolkien
Likes: musicals, fanfiction, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Life on Mars, chocolate, pizza, reading
Dislikes: tomatoes, stuck up people, being told what I'm allowed to do, being left out, people who think they're "all that", sushi
Talents: Singing, acting, writing
Hobbies: Singing, acting, writing, RP, making graphics
What Do Your Friends Like About You? That I'm a good listener and a loyal friend
What Do You Like About Yourself The Most? My singing voice, my loyalty
It’s Late At Night and You Have No Work to Do. How Do You Busy Yourself? I watch movies or I put on music and sing. Or possibly I get drunk and do those things.
A Little Deeper…
What do you believe is your ideal career? Actress, or working in television somehow
What were you like as a child? shy, quiet, withdrawn
Are you satisfied with your life? Sometimes.
Someone kills someone who was important to you. How do you react? Tears, anger, maybe physically attacking the person who did the killing (like, with fists or the nearest blunt object, not hunting them down. Though I might do that, too). Mostly mourning the person who'd died and hating the person who killed them.
Your Favorites…
Favorite Book(s)? Anything by Tamora Pierce
Favorite Movie(s)? I've got a lot, but the classics I always come back to are Dead Poets Society, Hudson Hawk, anything Indiana Jones, and Rocky Horror.
Favorite Artist(s)? I... honestly don't know much about any artists more recent than "history books". I really like Van Gough's stuff, though.
Favorite Music? Um? XD I like pretty much everything. Vienna Teng, Michelle Dockery, Seanan McGuire, Dar Williams, Neko Case, Ingrid Michaelson, Linkin Park, VAST, Scissor Sisters, The Dresden Dolls, Ani Difranco, Tori Amos, and lots of others. Various musicals. Repo's currently my music obsession, because I love the way it sorta mixes musical-sensibility with some AWESOME rocking music.
Favorite Place(s)? New York City, anywhere the people I love are.
What is Your Favorite Childhood Memory? This one time my mum took me hiking when I was six and I made it all the way to the top of the mountain and could see the whole valley. After we climbed down, we went and got ice cream.
About Repo!…
What song do you find yourself singing when no one else is around? Either Zydrate Anatomy or Infected
Which character can you imagine yourself hanging out with? Shilo, definitely. Maybe Mag, just on the whole "singers" thing. Pretty sure I'd like tagging behind Grave Robber.
Who should be running GeneCo? *shrugs* I dunno. I think GeneCo shouldn't EXIST, at least, not like it does. But if it has to be one of the Largo kids, I guess Amber. Since she's at least not a psychopathic murderer or a rapist.
What are your feelings on ascots? Ew.
If you could undergo any surgery without having to pay, what would you have done? I wouldn't. I've had necessary surgeries before, and I wouldn't do that shit again if you PAID me.
Who from Repo! do you dislike the most? Rotti. He is a sketchy murdering bastard.
You are able to go to dinner with one of the characters. Who is it? Probably Shilo. She's the only one I think I could carry on a conversation with. XD Maybe Grave Robber, just 'cause he's cool, but probably Shilo.