Mirror Theme

Mar 31, 2009 22:26

About You…
Name: The answer is closer to you than you think.
Nicknames or Aliases: Vampira, Baby Doll
Gender: All girl
Same Gender Stamp?: Nah, I don't care. Either gender's fine.
Age: 19

Repo! & Appearance Related
Whose style from the movie would you be most likely to emulate: The three key female players all looked awesome, but I'm a Shilo by day and an Amber by night. Take that any way you want. I'll never be as classy as Mag.
Imagine yourself in the movie. What would you look like? (Nothing is too over the top in Repo!): I'd be covered in visible scars from various fights, but would resist surgery since I'd be rather proud of them. One of my eyes would be zombie grey from a David Bowie-esque accident and I'd get my kicks terrorizing unsuspecting scalpel sluts.
How do you dress and groom yourself on an ordinary day?: I shower, I Pro-Active it up and ignore makeup as a general rule. Then I throw on some zombie-killer boots and a short skirt and I'm ready to go.
How about when you need to be more formal?: I try to avoid formal at all costs, but if I must, I have more appropriate dresses. The boots and possibly the fishnets stay.

Pictures & Descriptions
Post up to five pictures here, if you can, or write out a description of your appearance. Spare no details!

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