About You…
Name: Jenn
Nicknames or Aliases: exo
Gender: Female
Same Gender Stamp? Don't care
Age: 20
Previous Stamp: Shilo matched with Nathan, with Come Up and Try My New Parts as my song
Repo! & Appearance Related
Whose style from the movie would you be most likely to emulate? Probably Shilo
Imagine yourself in the movie. What would you look like? (Nothing is too over the top in Repo!) The same as I do in real life.
How do you dress and groom yourself on an ordinary day? Poofy skirts, ties, tights bulky shoes, hair ribbons, vests, button up blouses, tee shirts. I don't do much with my hair. The most I'll do is put on a headband.
How about when you need to be more formal? I don't know, I don't usually have to dress all formal.
Pictures & Descriptions
Post up to five pictures here, if you can, or write out a description of your appearance. Spare no details!