Occupation Theme - Shilo

May 02, 2009 18:53

About You…
Previously Stamped As...: Shilo, matched w/ Graverobber, look like Graverobber, Song is Legal Assassin or Night Surgeon, don't remember lol.
Name: Meredith
Nicknames or Aliases: Frog
Gender: Girl parts
Same Gender Stamp? meh, was stamped the same gender, but apparently I look like GR.
Age: 19

Career Preferences...
Do you think that you were born for any specific career? Kinda, I'm really good at working with disabled and at-risk youth. It's kindof a knack, but I don't know if it's what I want my career to be.
Are you supporting yourself right now? Not really.
How physical is your ideal job? Quite.
Are you prepared to take on a job that might create a moral crisis? Meh, if it caused a moral crisis with myself, probably not.
Are you willing to do a job that people do not respect, but pays well? Oh yes lol.

Outside Influences...
Are you in shape? yep
Are you a people person? Yeah; I'm good with people, but I need some alone time or I start to go bat-shit.
Would you rather have a fulfilling and awesome career or maybe just lie around the house all day? Fulfilling and awesome
What career did you want to take on as a child? lol, psychologist.
Out of all of the stamps, which career do you feel drawn to the most? Hmm, probably surGen, I really like biology.
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