About You…
Previously Stamped As...: Blind Mag.
Name: kat
Nicknames or Aliases: Myrla, kat ;)
Gender: Female
Same Gender Stamp? Not necessarily this time around!
Age: 28, soon to be 29 (less than three weeks!).
Career Preferences...
Do you think that you were born for any specific career? Something artistic and that requires brains and thought.
Are you supporting yourself right now? yes, mostly, but I lean on someone to help me through.
How physical is your ideal job? Lifting a pen is hard work, so is using my voice :D
Are you prepared to take on a job that might create a moral crisis? Yes. (done it! It was fun!)
Are you willing to do a job that people do not respect, but pays well? Yes (done it! More than once!)
Outside Influences...
Are you in shape? I'd like to think so.
Are you a people person? YES! Unless it's too early in the morning.
Would you rather have a fulfilling and awesome career or maybe just lie around the house all day? Career.
What career did you want to take on as a child? Meteorologist, Astronaut, Singer.
Out of all of the stamps, which career do you feel drawn to the most? Voice of Geneco or Zydrate stamps. (either one. Odd.)