About You…
Previously Stamped As...: Blind Mag, Needle Through A Bug (song theme)
Name: Lyn
Nicknames or Aliases: alittleglassvial, destinedtofly
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Career Preferences...
Do you think that you were born for any specific career? I like to think I'm a born musician. It's what I've wanted to do, forever.
Are you supporting yourself right now? Not right now; I'm in college.
How physical is your ideal job? Not THAT physical, I don't think.
Are you prepared to take on a job that might create a moral crisis? Not really.
Are you willing to do a job that people do not respect, but pays well? Depends on the job, really. I do have SOME standards.
Outside Influences...
Are you in shape? Not really.
Are you a people person? I try to be.
Would you rather have a fulfilling and awesome career or maybe just lie around the house all day? Honestly? As much as I would love to be awesome and have a great career, I'd probably rather be online all day.
What career did you want to take on as a child? I wanted to be a singer. Actually, that's what I'm doing right now; well, at least that's what I'm going to school for.
Out of all of the stamps, which career do you feel drawn to the most? the Voice of GeneCo.