Title: More untitled Rikkai Halloween Crap
Author: Ociwen
Wordcount: 1069
Rating: R probably
Disclaimer: Konomi owns all.
Summary: Yagyuu + Niou + cosplay. Does it really need explaining? Semi-non-con implications. And grossness. Oh, and also spoilers for recent canon. :P
Author's Notes: Also not really part of anything. I love Halloween!
Yagyuu was always the one into the cosplay, not Niou. He just went along with it if cosplay could be used to screw someone over or trick them or swindle something or- it could just be funny sometimes.
But not always.
“You’re just using this as an excuse to cosplay,” he told Yagyuu. “You’re really awfully transparent, Yagyuu.”
Yagyuu had the decency to at least grace Niou with a tiny smirk. Before he pulled on the jersey.
They were in Yagyuu’s room and it looked even dumpier than usual: his closet had exploded onto the floor, the way an egg would in the microwave. Clothes and costumes and sparkly things and the odd plastic limb were strewed over his futon, his desk, his chair and Niou had to wade through two feet of crap to even find what he wanted.
“You’re going as that?” Yagyuu asked. He frowned and looked in the mirror, flattening his hair before he turned back to Niou.
“Naw,” Niou said. “You got any ketchup?”
Yagyuu furrowed his brow. He didn’t ask why- he knew better than to do that- and instead just said, “In the cupboard over the stove.”
Yagyuu told him to dress up in the scariest costume he could and Niou would do his best. It was, he claimed, for a school project with Sanada, but pity Sanada wasn’t here to see the look on Yagyuu’s face when Niou waddled back into Yagyuu’s bedroom, grinning from ear to ear.
Yagyuu tugged on the rope Niou had tied around himself. “What…are you…?” He stuck his lip out in that sexy pouty way that meant he wanted to do stuff and Niou was being a tightass.
Good. Because Niou wasn’t doing stuff in cosplay.
“I’m scary!” he said. He licked at the smear of ketchup on the side of his face.
Yagyuu raised an eyebrow.
Niou grinned even wider. “Don’t wanna guess, Tezuka? How is that scary?”
Yagyuu shrugged. “I thought it was creative.” He leaned in close to Niou, close enough to whisper in his ear, “I thought it would turn you on, Niou-kun.”
Niou felt the tell-tale slimy tongue in his ear and pushed Yagyuu away. “He’s not a turn-on, Yagyuu. He’s just fun to pretend to be in tennis. Now guess what I am?”
Yagyuu sighed. Then he shook his Tezuka hair up and looked slightly less constipated. “A ketchup-covered cigarette?”
Niou chuckled. “No!”
“I don’t know then, why don’t you tell me?”
Niou hummed, then he pounced on Yagyuu and hugged him from behind. As soon as he said the words, “Bloody. Tampon” Yagyuu shrieked.
“Told you it was scary,” Niou said.
Yagyuu told Niou that his next idea was even worse. He even tried to yank the wig off Niou’s head before he was finished.
“Oi!” Niou shouted. “Just wait!”
“Dressing up as Kirihara-kun isn’t scary,” Yagyuu snapped. Clearly, he was bitter about his Tezuka Kuni-failure costume idea being less than desirable.
Niou sniffed. He turned around and glared over his shoulder. “Gimme a sec, would you?” He shoved one cutlet in. Yagyuu sighed heavily- that irritated, I’m waiting, impatient sigh.
Niou shoved the second in and jumped around, leering at Yagyuu and trying to do his best impression of Kirihara’s red eyes as he could. Mostly, his eye balls just felt dry and itchy.
“Kirihara-kun doesn’t have boobs,” Yagyuu said. He crossed his arms over his chest. He was topless and Niou didn’t mind waggling his eyebrows for a moment. He’d take topless, annoyed Yagyuu any day. At least that Yagyuu was less apt to be trying to shove things up Niou’s butt than weird Yagyuu…
“I’m Kirihara’s sister,” Niou said. “That bitch is whack.”
Yagyuu made a noise. “True, but…I don’t know how appropriate that would be to wear out in public. She might attack you.”
Niou nodded slowly. “I don’t think Jackal’s recovered yet from her last frontal wedgie assault.” He cupped the cutlets through his uniform jersey. I’d like to keep my dick for a little while longer, he thought.
Niou ripped the wig off his head and chucked it at Yagyuu’s head. It hit Yagyuu straight in the face and knocked his glasses off balance. Yagyuu frowned. Yagyuu sighed. Yagyuu threw the curly mop on the floor and then he narrowed his eyes.
Niou shivered when he said, “I know just what to do, Niou-kun…”
He started to frantically rummage through the piles of costumes and stale styrofoam food containers. Yagyuu threw up clothes and scarves and hats and feathers and even something that looked like a jockstrap: a tsunami of cosplay crap flying around the room in a whirlwind. Niou barely had the time to blink before Yagyuu stood up, looked down his nose and swung the end of the stethoscope that was hanging around his neck.
“I believe its time for your appointment now, Niou-kun,” he said. Yagyuu pushed his glasses up his nose, all professional and polite and decked out in a doctor’s lab coat with a nametag that said Dr Yagyuu.
Probably swiped from his father.
The get-up was kinda hot. Niou pulled off his uniform t-shirt and the random bra he’d found in Yagyuu’s closet too. He sauntered up to Yagyuu and cocked his head back and to the side, licking his lips before he parted his mouth and murmured, “You’d better check my throat out, doctor…”
Yagyuu shook his head and stuck his hand into his pocket. He touched Niou on the arm, his fingers leaving a lingering trail as they skitted down to Niou’s wrist and stroked the back of his hand. “I’m afraid your check up is for something else,” he whispered, all hot and heavy breathing in Niou’s ear.
Niou looked at Yagyuu out of the corner of his eye. “Oh?”
And then, Yagyuu whipped out something green and plastic and cigar-shaped and waggled it in the air. “I believe you require a rectal exam,” he said. He pushed Niou down onto the pile of costumes and Niou landed on something awfully large and squishy- it must have been the battery costume.
“I think my rectum’s fine,” Niou insisted. Yagyuu shoved a knee to either side of Niou’s hips and settled his weight down, nice and heavy on Niou’s stomach. He could feel Yagyuu’s erection and it made him suck his belly in.
Yagyuu continued to waggle the toy. The suspiciously-dildo-shaped toy.
Niou gulped.