Title: Yokai Monogatari (Monster Tales, Part 2)
Author: Ociwen
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 16 000
Disclaimer: Alas, Konomi and Kodansha own Prince of Tennis and collect all the benefits from it.
Summary: Yagyuu is perfectly content minding his own business, until a tanuki shows up one day. And weird things happen.
Warnings: This involves Niou. That
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Comments 41
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Thank you so much!
Tanuki magic can explain everything. Except Marui's attraction to Niou's older sister ;)
Yukimura's bulbs are serious, Veni. Mess with them, and you're messing with him. (I seriously do not try any clever shit when I write, I just write and lol to myself and the ridiculousness that comes out, and if it works, fantastic!)
Thank you so much! :D
And warm, furry Niou sounds especially good in this cold weather...
Is there anything that can faze Yukimura?
The only things that can faze Yukimura are:
1. whoever distracts him when he is trying to paint that Impressionist picture of a tennis court
2. threats to his garden bulbs
...and Niou having tanuki magic that comes from his balls is disturbingly fitting.
Tanukis have large, magical balls. So does Niou ;)
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