Title: Bad Romance 1 (1/5)
Author Ociwen
Summary: Defeat at Nationals does not subdue the demon.
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 34 000
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created by Konomi Takeshi. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: Written for the
2010 Tenipuri Big Bang.
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Comments 4
I'm a little unsure where you're going with Inui and Yanagi, but I am interested. And as much as I hate Yanagi being kind of stand-offish, it makes perfect sense.
Like you, I was a bit unsure where I was going with the Inui and Yanagi stuff too, initially. Well, I knew where they'd end up, but not how they'd get there. Data Pair is so not something I am a fan of, but after reading some of the latest Shin Tenipuri stuff, as well as reading the Nationals arc and seeing the myu live, well...Yanagi most definitely has some...guilt issues...
I've restarted reading it again,I hope this is the right time^^
so, I'll give you a proper comment soon ^________^
I'm also curious 'bout denouverse fics, I'm going to read them too ;)
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