Title: Maybe Definitely (4/7)
Author: Ociwen
Wordcount: Long
Rating: NC17 overall
Disclaimer: Everything you can possibly think of, and then some. Spoilers for 40.5 and the entire series, including ShinTenipuri.
Warning: Girl parts, and then some. Crude humour. Misogyny. The usual.
Summary: Renji wakes up as a girl.
Author's Notes: This is a one-
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Comments 12
Other things I love:
Jackal finding out (as always, haha)
Every inclusion of Inui
Kirihara rolls his eyes. "I'm not stupid, senpai. I know all about the tadpoles that live in your jizz and stick to a girl's insides."
Jackal's Justin Bieber love
Everything about Kirihara and Yanagi and their relationship.
I can't wait for the next part! <3
Jackal knows everything! Often against his will, poor boo!
Eheh--the tadpoles came from some show or website or whatever I was surfing that talked about how braindead some boys are about sex ed. And it, of course, had to be included. As did Justin Bieber.
Thank you so much! &hearts
So many references. [JUJU, really??] ::flails::
Probably not only Jackal know, at this time probably Niou is suspicious.
And well, you can't say that Akaya don't know a thing. ::cringes::
Loved it. I can't believe how you make me like Akaya in this verse.
Thanks for sharing! :D
::stays tuned:::
You got the Juju!! I have to admit, I liked her one cover. Just need to find a DL of her album, though. Woe.
Kirihara tries. He does.
Niou might seem suspicious, but really, he's too self-involved to really care that much about Renji.
Thank you, as ever!
Your pop culture references are what sets you apart from all other fic writers in this fandom, imo. You're way more thorough with details, descriptions and nuances that really make it feel ~Japanese. Plus, all the squishy feelings and stuff make me heart the fic like super
Yay for pop culture references? There are some really, really excellent ones coming up that you will enjoy muchly. >:D
(Thank you!)
Wonderful chapter. I feel so bad for Renji. D;
Hope you enjoy the next section, too!
Just wait for Jackal/Marui's story, where far more Bieber and pop culture references will emerge! ;)
(Thank you!)
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