Title: Maybe Definitely (5/7)
Author: Ociwen
Wordcount: Long
Rating: NC17 overall
Disclaimer: Everything you can possibly think of, and then some. Spoilers for 40.5 and the entire series, including ShinTenipuri.
Warning: Girl parts, and then some. Crude humour. Misogyny. The usual.
Summary: Renji wakes up as a girl.
Author's Notes: This is a one-
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Comments 4
(Jackal, you're a true friend! ;__;)
I can only say I find it endearing, even when Akaya's name list.
And only one part to the end! :(
But still an enjoyable trip.
Thanks for sharing! :D
Jackal tries to be the bestest girlfriend any girl could ever need. If only to soothe his own wounded self.
Hopefully this fic will be updated with the next part tomorrow-ish...;)
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