Ya take the good, ya take the bad...

Nov 18, 2011 12:23

So I have a WEEK left to be thirtysomething. A week left of less than 40.

I do enjoy the humor of it that my 40th birthday coincides with Black Friday! Last time my Bday was on Black Friday it was a very good one...tho looking back on it might not make me feel much better: I was 50lbs lighter and dh took me shopping after I worked all night the night before so that I could get my first and only lingerie because for the first time since we were married I was of a size that would permit me to purchase lingerie in regular stores. *sigh* that was such good times! He did all his homework and went straight to work asking for the things he wanted :) Yeah, it's still such a fun and romantic memory!! At the mall on Black Friday in that crowd, delirious with sleep deprivation, and feeling like a princess :) *swoon*

This year I'm celebrating a week early. Firstly I only worked one day this week. WIN! (I took a vacation day for fun but then we got so slow I only had to work 1/3 of my week!) Secondly, last night I went to a triple feature of the Twilight Movies that led up to the midnight premiere of the new one. With a dear friend, and with her daughter and her pal so we didn't look utterly pathetic. WIN! (I believe someone quite fittingly referred to me as a TWITARD...I did not cry or pant or anything but I surely did enjoy the hype and the crowd and the laughing, oh, the silly! Bless the other fans for not taking this seriously!!)
And tonight I am going to see my FAVORITE band in Athens...never seen a show in Athens....and it's in the newly rebuilt and reopened Georgia Theater which apparently burned to the ground the night before my band was supposed to play there the last time (note to self: check to make sure building is still standing before driving 2hrs to get there...) and this theater was apparently their home base for years and years so it ought to be somethin' special :) WIN!

And then to top it off, the old man (which is a difficult title to use now as a BSG fan) is leaving me out of his family business this weekend and taking the kids out of town. Never in all my years of motherhood have I had a weekend alone in my home that I was not working!! WIN! All the time for all the things. FOR ME! So there's that: WIN!!

And then?? He made me order my birthday presents yesterday before I went to the movies: All of BSG 2003 on bluray (Extended cuts here I COME!!) and he added a Kindle Fire into the mix...and BSG should arrive today?!?! I'll have ALL DAY SATURDAY AND ALL NIGHT WITH BSG ON BLURAY?!?! *dies*

So...next week when I start into my premeditated spiral of self-pitying doom, I'll have this week to look back on and make me feel guilty for complaining! WIN!!!!

This is so much better than last year when I was nearly suicidal thanks to as-yet-undiscovered pregnancy hormones of the most useless kind (ectopic). What a difference a year can make. And Here I thought I'd be completely TORE up because it's been a year and I haven't had that baby girl I'd wanted before I turned 40.

See what fangirling can do?? All hail the power of fandom.

Happy Friday, y'all!!
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