[ O O C ]
Backtagging: YES PLEASE. Going to school and work eats up a lot of my time, so if I don't respond right away, it doesn't mean I don't want to play! I'm not the best at super-quick tags myself, so I totally understand and don't mind taking a few days (or even weeks) to finish a thread.
Threadhopping: Sure thing. Although if it seems like a private/srs bsns moment, please ask first.
Fourthwalling: If it's of the "you're from a game lololol" variety, then no. Anything else
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Nothing involving child abuse, yo. I'm not offended by too much else, but if you want to double-check, don't hesitate to ask.
[ I C ]
Hugging this character: Yes! Even if she doesn't know the other person too well, she won't mind.
Kissing this character: Yes, but be prepared for her to mentally blue-screen if you do.
Flirting with this character: Yes. Chances are that she'll think you're just being friendly, so be prepared for some cluelessness at first.
Fighting with this character: Yes, with lots of OOC planning because I suuuuuck at this sort of thing.
Killing this character: Yes, if we talk it out first. For plot? Sure! For the heck of it? Probably not. :c
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Go for it! but she's such an open book anyway, why would you need to
[ ] Crate of Energy Tanks
[ ] Elbow gloves
[ ] Helmet
[ ] Tropish
[ ] Upper body armor
[ ] Laser Trident
[ ] Robot body
[ ✓ ] just saving these ♡