| Five | [Written]

Jun 24, 2008 18:40

The Luceti Chronicles
Volume 1

Hiyono's Note!: Hey everyone! I'm sure you're all confused and wondering what this "Luceti Chronicles" business is, so I figured addressing that first would be for the best.

Say hello to the very first newspaper publication for Luceti! Well, since it's through the journals, it's not really a newspaper exactly, but that's what it's supposed to be. I figured it'd be best to have one, considering there are times where a LOT goes on and there's no way we can all keep up. I'm figuring every two weeks you should expect to see another one of these show up in your journals, so keep a look out for it, alright everyone?

Top Stories

-> Injuries and weird side-events stacked up during that dark spell. A broken wing, knocked out unofficial mayors residents, lost people, a fight in the forest that ended with a death, glowing trees, vampires on the prowl, various kidnappings ... it was a pretty busy time.
-> The barrier seems impenetrable, but is it really? Considering where we are, what power we have while here, and whatever power the Malnosso may have, there may be a chance that we might be able to take that barrier out at some point! More on this story when my research is completed.
-> Kidnapping is on the rise lately. The conditions people return in are more often than not worse than several months ago. Remember to help out if you happen to see someone in trouble -- don't just wait for one of their buddies to come along to give them a hand ♥
-> Learning about magic seems to be a trend here lately. Does anyone teach it at the school we have here? If so, I'd like to direct all those who want to learn magic to the school. It's a lot easier than struggling by yourself.

Facts Of The Month: June

-> For the month of June, we have had almost SIXTY people enter this world!
-> Some people who have been sent here include those who have been here before -- at least two that I've taken note of.
-> Family and friends arriving seemed to be the theme of last month, and it appears to have carried over into this month.
-> Our group is heavily mixed, but the vast majority seems to be human, or whatever their world's version of a human is. Vampires were pretty popular last month, but this month doesn't seem to have much of a theme to it.
-> There's a few June birthdays floating around here. Happy Birthday to all of those it applies to!


... someone make a sports team. Come on, everyone! It'd be fun to have some recreation like that, wouldn't it?


It's not much of a newspaper just yet, mostly because I don't have any interviews or anything just yet. So, in place of that, I figured I'd call out to a few people!

-> Whenever you're ready for that interview, just let me know!

-> You free later? I'm going to be heading over to the library, so if you were serious about that offer to help me out, can you head over there?

And something I have to say to everyone: Who here can cook? I'm really bad at it, and I'd love to have some real food. Please? I'll love you forever!

need food nao, shoutouts, newspaper

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