Episode 9: "Sakura and the Mysterious Brooch" or "Double Edged Sword"

Oct 04, 2008 02:10

Introduction to the Experiment

Episode 8

Episode 9: Sakura and the Mysterious Brooch (Card Captor Sakura) or Double Edged Sword (Cardcaptors)

Sakura is feeling down about last night's capture of Thunder, particularly the fact that the new student Li told her that she just wasn't up to snuff and she thinks that he may have a point. Tomoyo tries to cheer her up but Sakura's not having it. Once in the classroom, Li shows up and sits down in his seat. Sakura thanks him for his help but Li brushes her off: She's clearly not able to do it herself. Sakura then brings up Li's robes and then how she saw a boy in her dream wear the same clothes (apparently Sakura still hasn't figured out that it's Li in her dream). In the English version, Sakura is taken aback by his response and waspishly asks him to explain how she was chosen to open the book and then goes to explain that she hasn't been studying magic all of her life "like some people" and then brings up how she doesn't have robes. Li explains that they're ceremonial robes unique to the Li family (in the Japanese, he remarks that there's no way that Sakura could have known about those and therefore she must have enough magic to have foretelling dreams. In the English, Li gets defensive and tells her that she's not allowed to speak about his robes like that). Yamazaki breaks it up by telling Li that it's his turn for clean up duty, outlining various outrageous tasks he must do (which, of course, are lies since Yamazaki is a pathological liar). Later on, Sakura has the same dream she had in the pilot: her, Tokyo Tower, Kero, flying Clow Cards, etc. Unfortunately, she's in class and Mr. Terada wakes her up in front of everyone, much to her embarrassment. Class is dismissed and everyone leaves. The English version adds a minor detail: Mr. Terada tells Rita that she better do well on the next test as everyone leaves the classroom. When Li gets up to leave, Sakura nearly jumps out of her skin and Tomoyo remarks that having Li behind them is kind of unnerving. Tomoyo suggests that they go do something: in the Japanese version, Tomoyo wants Sakura to join Rika and her to their trip to a store, in the English version, Madison suggests going to Sakura's house and Sakura adds that since Rita is so worried about the test, they could study together and then do some roller-blading. Either way, they end up at the store where they buy broochs. Rita buys a sword one. Later on, they head to Sakura's house where she serves tea and pudding. Eventually, Rika puts on her brooch and it possesses her. Suddenly, Rika is wielding a rapier and attacking Sakura. Kero identifies it as the Sword Card and it turns anyone into a master swordsman. Sakura runs away from Rika, not knowing what to do, and when Rika nearly stabs her, Li blocks the blow with his sword. After declaring Sakura useless, he jumps down to fight Rika but Sakura won't have it: Rika is her friend and he won't let him hurt her. Eventually, they land in the bushes and, after squabbling, Kero remarks that if she suddenly lost her grip on the Sword, Sakura could seal it. Sakura jumps up and uses the Illusion Card. In the Japanese version, she tells it to show whoever Rika loves most. In the English version, she tells it to show whatever Rita fears most. Either way, the outline is clearly Mr. Terada and Rika even says, "Teacher". Rika drops the Sword and Sakura seals it. Rika is now unconscious. Kero remarks that Sakura did the capture without Li's help but Li replies that the Sword Card is easy to capture; Kero then bites him. Meanwhile, someone is approaching and just in the nick of time, Kero flies off before Yukito shows up. Yukito asks what's going on and then turns to Li, either remarking on his injury (from Kero) or on his robes, in the Japanese and English versions respectively. Li runs off. The next day, Sakura gives Rika the brooch that she bought since she can't return the Sword one to her. Meanwhile, Toya and Yukito discuss the fact that Li was at the house the other day. Toya is very angry about this and Yukito teases him about it. Anyway, it turns out that Sakura arranged to meet with Yukito at this time. Soon after Li shows up and Toya and he have a staredown, Sakura comes and thanks Yukito with chocolate for helping out the other day. Li freaks out and in the Japanese version, presents Yukito with some chocolate of his own. In the English version, Li shouts "But I'm the one who..." and then runs off without giving Julian any chocolate. Tomoyo then comes and remarks that Sakura now has Li has a romantic rival as well while Madison just remarks that she's going to put the video she just made on her website (no mention of Li being a "romantic rival").

Want to watch for yourself?

Card Captor Sakura Episode 9 (All)

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Cardcaptors Episode 9: Part 1/2

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Cardcaptors Episode 9: Part 2/2

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Edit: Here is another set of videos!

Cardcaptors Episode 9: Part 1/3

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Cardcaptors Episode 9: Part 2/3

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Cardcaptors Episode 9: Part 3/3

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I don't know why the first half of this episode seems to drag so much for me. And for some reason, it seemed to be worse in the Japanese, even though the English version cuts very little. This episode was just kind of "eh" for me.

Both titles are kind of lame, again. I guess I prefer the English title because the Japanese title is so milky tea.

I was actually really sad that the youtubers posting up the Cardcaptors videos cut off Kero's Corner. The Japanese version of that segment made me actually burst out laughing for the first time and I really wanted to see how the English version did it. Ah, well. Edit: The alternate set includes Kero's Corner. Instead of doing it super fast and in a very shallow manner ("the main color is green") to get it over with, Kero is just a smart ass in the English version. The line "The Li kid doesn't pretend to be a fashion guy... or does he?" made me crack up. In the English version, Kero is a teeny bit nicer about Li since he actually gives the outfit the same attention he would give one of Sakura's, although he does start out by pointing out that Li's clothes are "weird" and ends by mentioning that Sakura's outfits are a lot more "happening".

I think it's pretty obvious from my summary what major changes took place. But for those of you who skip my summaries, I'll go into more detail.

Sakura still has that 'tude from last episode. This is really apparent during the first scene with them together. The English version of that scene is a bit more aggressive for both of them. Li brushes her off a bit more severely than Li does in the Japanese version and Sakura lets out a huge rant when he does, pushing his "these robes are important to me" button. On one hand, Sakura bringing up how she was destined to open the book makes no sense since that was something Kero said to her in private so that wouldn't be effective against Li's claim that she's no cardcaptor (never mind that her opening the book created the situation in the first place) and I don't really understand how her pointing out that she has no magical training is helping her case since that only supports Li's argument that she shouldn't be the cardcaptor. On the other hand, it is nice to see Sakura sticking up for herself. As I said before, Li is meaner in this version but Li does brush her off in the original Japanese and Sakura just lets it go. So, I'm torn on this issue. I don't like Sakura being quite this snarky but I also don't want Sakura to just lie down and take it.

The relationship between Rika and Mr. Terada has changed. In the original Japanese version, it is heavily implied that Rika loves Mr. Terada most of all (not even her parents? Jeez... nice kid). And, if the anime follows the manga, Mr. Terada likes her back. Cr-ee-py. So, in the English version, they add the minor subplot of Rita not doing well in her spelling tests and Mr. Terada getting on her case. They've clearly learned from Episode 3: If there's an element they don't like, it is better slightly modify it so it's less offensive than to scrap it altogether. And it works here. If I hadn't seen the original Japanese version, I would have never noticed the change. As an otaku purist, I don't like how it was changed from "love" to "fear" but as someone who realizes that this is a show for kids and that the whole "Rika and Mr. Terada are lovers" thing is creepy, I appreciate that they went with a change that kept the basic premise of the episode intact. It was very well executed change.

Li's boy-crush on Julian has been toned down. Unfortunately, they scrapped this one. On one hand, it's not that big of a deal since they're keeping in some of the flustering/running away. On the other hand, I like the whole "Li is Sakura's rival in more ways than one!" comedic B plot and this crush actually is harmless so I don't mind it so much. Unfortunately, in their attempt to remove Li's gayness, they just made him confusing to the audience. The English version adds a line after Sakura thanks Julian for his helping carrying Rita inside. The dub has Li say "But I was the one who..." Who did what? Ran away? He didn't help with Rita since he was halfway down the block before Sakura had even moved her. And who is this comment directed to? Sakura? If it's to Sakura, it could be about how he helped too during the capture (except he actually didn't but he could have seen his contribution as helping) but why would he point that out now? Is he jealous of Julian? He can't be because he doesn't like Sakura. Unless he wants Sakura to give him chocolate but why would she give him chocolate when he didn't help her carry Rita inside which is why she is giving chocolate to Julian? And if the comment is directed to Julian, then what is he pointing out? He didn't do anything that he could tell Julian about so what does he mean? This line makes no sense! Help me, Nelvana, explain yourselves!

On the upside, in the moments before the weird line, another added line makes a scene make more sense. Toya spends some time ranting about how he's going to beat up Li for annoying Sakura until an ofuda nearly lights Toya on fire. The camera pans over to show us Li, armed with more ofuda before we cut to Sakura. In the English version, the dub adds Li saying, "You wanted to see me?" implying that he heard the whole rant. I liked that because it makes Li seem like less a psycho who lights people on fire for no reason. I mean, he's still a psycho because, dude, he nearly lit a man sitting in a tree on fire but at least we can believe that he did in response to Tory's comments about him and not just for the hell of it.

Speaking of gay people, Madison was presented as less gay and then more gay in just one episode. The moment where Tomoyo remarks that she wants to spend more time with Sakura and then showing the two covered in flowers was cut. The minute I saw it, I knew it would be cut. Madison also takes a mean swipe at Li by remarking that riding in a car with Li is preferable to doing a 360 on roller blades but implying that it's merely the lesser of two evils. Then again, as I said about English Sakura's behavior, it is better that Madison is sticking up for her friend when Li is being a jerk to her. On the other end, in their attempt to cover up Li's bicurious tendencies, they made Madison act more gay. Instead of her pointing out that Li is now Sakura's romantic rival, Madison blathers on and on about how she's going to post videos of Sakura on her homepage. It's pretty funny that all they did was exchange one gay child for another. Nelvana just can't win.

And why the sudden roller blading obsession in this episode? Madison brings it up to explain how depressed Sakura seems and then Sakura won't shut up about doing some roller blading after the study session. What the hell?

On the minor end of things, the localization of Yamazaki's/Zachary's lie about what Li has to do for chores was well-done. And the English version actually made Sakura a bit smarter than the Japanese version since she knows Zachary is lying. Japanese Sakura buys the lie even though she's been in school much longer than Li and she should know from simple observation that no one has ever sung or danced as part of their chores. Use your brain, Japanese Sakura!

I just want to point out a few plot holes:

1. Why doesn't anyone notice Sakura, Li, and Rika jumping around attacking each other? It's not night time and there's houses all around. No one noticed? Then again, maybe they thought they were playing. But still. No one ever notices these things?

2. Why didn't Yukito see the entire thing as he walked down the street to get to the house? If he was close enough that Tomoyo could hear his footsteps while everyone was still talking, then he was pretty damn close to them by that point. He should have seen the entire event. But, no, he's a ditz and saw nothing.

3. Why doesn't Yukito react a bit more strongly to the condition of Rika when he first arrives? He is really blase about the fact that a girl is unconscious and another kid has bite wounds (which Yukito actually examines; Julian doesn't). I mean, dude, a girl is passed out and he doesn't even ask what the hell happened to her! Edit: When describing this scene, a friend of mine pointed something else out that I completely missed. In the English version, Julian is not only more blase about the whole thing but now he's also a creepy gay pedophile! Why the hell is he commenting on some little boy's fashion choices while some little girl is passed out? At least in the Japanese he remarks on an actual injury (not the most important one but still, an injury's an injury), not Li's fashion sense! Julian comes off even worse than Yukito!

4. And how does Li know that the Sword Card "is easy to capture"? I thought that this whole capturing thing was new because they've all recently escaped. The whole point of the Clow Cards was that they were controlled by the book therefore no catching would be involved. So if they've never run amok before, then how do they know which ones are easy to capture?

5. I don't care that Li's robes are his family's ceremonial robes; why does he have to wear them for the captures? Isn't time of the essence when capturing the Cards? Why waste time changing? Unless he goes home and changes into those robes right away and then goes prowling for Cards. Which makes him an even bigger freak.

6. And why does Sakura's door jam when Rika starts attacking her? As far as I could tell, the Sword Card just makes the user into a master swordsman, not turn them into a horror movie monster that has the power to make doors unopenable.

7. And does Tomoyo have no brain cells? In the Japanese version, Tomoyo prattles on and on about the Clow Cards and how Sakura captures them within three feet of Toya and Yukito. Um, they can hear you! Shut up! At least Madison has the decency to whisper!

This isn't a plot hole or anything but I've always noticed how when Li wears his school hat, he wears it in a certain way that causes the ribbons to look like tiny pigtails coming out of his hair. I keep thinking he's got little pigtails but then I realize it's just his hat ribbons.

In conclusion, the episode itself was about average and changes, good, bad, and in between, were made. Since the good and bad even themselves out and the changes I'm unsure about could make my vote go either way, I judge these episodes to be...


Special Bonus!

Someone else apparently had the same idea as I had but instead of doing it in this format, they decided to just use this episode and show some sample scenes to demonstrate the difference.

Part 1/3

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Part 2/3

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Part 3/3

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Episode 10
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