Introduction to the Experiment Episode 22 Episode 23: Sakura, Tomoyo, and A Wonderful Song (Card Captor Sakura) or Practice Makes Perfect (Cardcaptors)
Sakura comes into school happy. In the Japanese version, Tomoyo asks what's up. In the Japanese version, Sakura says that Yukito is sleeping over that night. In the English version, Madison asks if Sakura has studied for the test. Sakura reacts and Madison then asks if she had spent the night chasing Clow Cards. Sakura explains that Kero told her that he sensed a Clow Card near the bakery but it was a trick to get her to buy him something. Either way, Li overhears (by clearly eavesdropping) and reacts, demanding some clarification on what Sakura said. Sakura and Tomoyo are mystified; Sakura had been whispering. Meilin comes over and asks what they're talking about but they don't want to talk about it in front of her. In the Japanese version, Yamazaki interrupts them to tell Tomoyo that the music teacher said they can use the music room for practice that night, which gets everyone talking about Tomoyo and the choir kids work very hard and how Tomoyo sings beautifully and is practicing for a contest. The English version pretty much has the same discussion but Sakura changes the subject to Madison's singing ability, not Yamazaki. After that, Naoko reveals that there might be a ghost in the music room because some girl heard someone singing in there long after hours and in total darkness. Sakura is freaked because the next scene is music class in the music room. During class, Sakura suddenly realizes that she senses something and Li does too so it's probably a Clow Card. To make sure that it is, they'll have to come at night. In the Japanese version, Sakura is so alarmed by the thought that she screams right in the middle of class. At home, after explaining the story off screen, Kero wonders if it's a ghost which freaks Sakura out more. After confirming that it's probably a Clow Card, Kero says that they should go to the school. Sakura vetoes that plan. Her reasons vary slightly depending on the version but essentially, Sakura's too scared. In the Japanese version, Sakura also wants to stay home because Yukito is coming over. Anyway, to end the discussion, Sakura goes to make more tea. Anyway, Toya and Yukito come home and they discuss the story of the strange singing voice. Yukito says that he's heard that the ghost has a wonderful singing voice. That's all the motivation Sakura needs! She decides to go to the school to record the voice for Yukito. So, at the school, Sakura wonders if it's a ghost. Tomoyo doesn't think so. Eventually, after scaring Sakura silly, Li and Meilin show up too. After discussing why Meiling shouldn't be there (no magic) and why Tomoyo is allowed to be there (she's in charge of recording stuff), they heard the voice. They determine it's in the other building. Meilin and Li go after it and Sakura is still scared. Kero makes her go. They get closer to the sound and, after some more whining from Sakura, Tomoyo realizes that she recognizes the song but she doesn't know from where. In the Japanese version, Sakura realizes that she may have heard it in a ghost story which freaks her out so Kero reminds her about how she wants to record the voice. Li asks why she wants to do that. Kero starts to explain but Sakura smothers him and lies lamely. In the English version, Sakura suggests that it's one of the music students practicing but Madison shoots down that theory. Meilin tells the two to stop talking so Li can figure out what Clow Card it is. Sakura is still freaked out so Kero tells her that it's not a ghost, it's a Clow Card, but Li wonders aloud which one. They go to the music room and they can still hear the singing. Meilin is fed up with waiting so she just opens the door. The voice is gone and Li gets mad at Meilin but Sakura isn't mad: because Meilin opened the door, Sakura and Tomoyo could hear the song clearly and it's Tomoyo's song for the contest. They track down the singing once more and then realize that the voice sounds like Tomoyo. Li and Kero conclude at nearly the same instant that it's the Song Card. The Song Card sings songs but it mimicks the voice of the best singer in the area. Finally, the Card escapes to the roof. Sakura needs to seal it but it's invisible. Kero asks Tomoyo if she's been practicing the song. She has and she still has some problems with it. Because the Card copied Tomoyo, it's also working on the song. Once the Card hears Tomoyo sing it correctly, it will reveal itself. So, Tomoyo sings and the Card sings too. Once the song is done, the Song Card reveals itself and Sakura seals it. After Kero congratulates Tomoyo and mocks Li, Sakura realizes that she never recorded the voice. Li tells her that since the voice was just Tomoyo, she could just sing for her. But Sakura thought Tomoyo and the Card singing together was beautiful. That's easy: Sakura writes her name on the Card, sets up the recording equipment, and orders the Card to sing again with Tomoyo. The episodes ends as it does so.
Wanna see?
Card Captor Sakura Episode 23 (All)
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Cardcaptors Episode 23: Part 1/3
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Cardcaptors Episode 23: Part 2/3
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Cardcaptors Episode 23: Part 3/3
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Oh my God, it was a contest as to who could annoy me more in this episode, at least in the Japanese version. Was it Sakura who would not stop crying about ghosts when it was perfectly obvious from the start that it was a Clow Card? Was it Meilin who kept doing obnoxious one-ups the entire episode? Or was it Tomoyo, whose singing voice sounded like a chipmunk ("I still want my hula hoop!")? It's not a bad episode in and of itself but Sakura's constant whining about ghosts on top of her being gushy about Yukito made it hard to sit through at times. I think Sakura wins the annoyance contest because I spent some moments going, "Oh, shut up, Sakura! It's not a ghost!"
Card Tally
Sakura: Windy, Fly, Shadow, Watery, Rain, Wood, Jump, Illusion, Silence, Thunder, Sword, Flower, Shield, Power, Mist, Float, Erase, Glow, Move, Fight, Loop, Sleep, Song
Current number: 23
Li: Time, Storm
Current number: 2
What is the Japanese obsession with listing random nouns and calling it a title? The English one is better, if a bit cliche.
One of the first changes you're going to see is the title card. Like with
episode 14, my guess is that this was shelved for some reason and moved to a later season during the English run. As with episode 14, Rhys Huber is still playing Li so it wasn't done later.
Again, Li was gay for Julian so they had to change it. It's now gotten to the point where I no longer ask "will they change this?" but rather "how are they going to get around this one?" Luckily, this time was a rather graceful and logical change. If I hadn't seen the original version, I probably would have never even noticed anything was amiss. It was a well-executed change. Frankly, Li's jealous moment wasn't that important to the story so it was a welcome change.
Speaking of Julian, the English version cuts the whole "Yukito is coming over SQUEE!" plot line. My God, that was dumb (especially since he comes over, like, all the time! Okay, not overnight, but he's not actually going to be sleeping in your bedroom, Sakura!) and I was glad to see it cut. Sakura was already annoying me enough with the crying over ghosts, I didn't need more pointless Yukito gushing scenes. Luckily, it didn't cause episode collapse like in
episode 3 which probably proves how pointless it really was. Also, as with episode 3, it makes Sakura look super shallow. It's bad enough that she blows off catching the Card because she's scared of ghosts that may or may not exist but because her crush will be working on a project with her brother?
In the English version, they manage to tone down Sakura's fear of ghosts. She still has it but the way the scenes are edited and how the voice actress portrays Sakura make her far less annoying than the Japanese version. Sakura is still very much afraid but it's not extreme. Actually, even when she's blowing off capturing the Card, the dialogue used is a lot funnier because Sakura says, "But I could be wrong [about it being a Clow Card]? What if it really is a ghost? You know how afraid I am of ghosts. Let Li check it out." This line cracked me up. About time that Sakura sat back and let Li do stuff because Li is usually the one hanging out in trees nagging her while she does all the hard stuff! In short, the English version has a lot less crying on Sakura's part, which is refreshing.
A lot of the cuts and trims stem from removal of the sleepover plot and toning down Sakura's cowardice so since I obviously don't mind these changes, I don't mind these cuts and trims. The only change I really mind is Tori's story about the night janitor quitting out of fear. That's a bit over the top for this episode.
Let's talk about the song. I'm sorry, Tomoyo's Japanese voice actress has such a squeaky singing voice that it's painful and/or hilarious to listen to. She sounds like a chipmunk from Alvin and the Chipmunks. Madison's voice actress starts off not so hot but warms up eventually, singing much better than the original. Of course, my only "huh?" moment in the English version is that instead of copying for singing voice in English, it harmonizes with her. It's a beautiful effect and all but isn't the Song Card supposed to match her voice exactly? In the end, though, the English version of Madison and the Card singing is much better than the original Japanese version.
Scriptwise, Li didn't have many changes except for one, which I liked. In the Japanese version, after they discuss how the Song Card is practicing because Tomoyo feels inadequate, Li essentially nags them about how they have to seal the Card soon or it'll get out of hand. Yeah, Li, we kind of know, thanks for pointing that out for the cheap seats. In the English version, Li says something along the lines of "You're the only one who can help us capture the Card. If you sing your song, we can capture it". Now, that's not exactly a heartfelt plea but it's a lot more personal than "we gotta capture this Card, guys!". Considering that Li tends to ignore Tomoyo, addressing her in this way is kind of shocking. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think Li has ever directly addressed either Tomoyo or Madison before this. Unfortunately, his voice actor phoned in most of the episode. He sounds really stiff.
As for Meilin, very little of her stuff is changed. Except one of her lines is changed for the better. When Kero explains that the Song Card sings, the Japanese version has Meilin ask what it does after singing. In the English version, Meilin speaks for the audience when she says, "Well, that's obvious!" It was about time someone said that.
But one last thing, English voice actors: Stop screaming about the Clow Cards in crowded areas at the top of your lungs. I'm looking at you, Meilin's actress!
Plot holes. There's not many this time, thankfully.
1. Li clearly doesn't want Meilin to come with him when he's capturing Cards, right? Then why doesn't he forbid her from coming and tell Wei to watch her? Furthermore, it seems like he never expresses his displeasure or explains why until the pair are already dressed up and at the place of capture. Why not have this argument at home before hoofing it the whole way instead of in front of Sakura and Tomoyo? (Of course, one could also ask why Li doesn't just call home and ask someone to take her back but a. there would be no story and b. perhaps he's tried that and the Li clan realizes that she could be a reliable spy to make sure he's doing what he's supposed to do and decided to give her a free pass).
2. Yukito thinks the voice is a ghost. So wouldn't hearing the recording of Tomoyo kind of tip him off that it wasn't? He might think she was just trying to trick him and get mad (well, he wouldn't get mad at her but Sakura could still fear that). Or, worse, accuse the two of playing a prank on everyone!
In conclusion, because of elimination of annoying elements and graceful edits and cuts, I judge these episodes to be...
Different, with the English Cardcaptors being the superior!
Episode 24